Watch Your Mouth! Planters Win!

at this point if I have to argue whether cookie is a word or not I lost all hope in humanity

I think setups should be designed in such a way that hosts could be replaced by a program or bot aside from flavour. That is what it means to be a neutral host.

To be completely honest itā€™s not biased if itā€™s an actual word. Itā€™s biased if you ignore a post you know isnā€™t a word or if you donā€™t look up a word that you donā€™t know

Except you canā€™t decide if itā€™s an actual word. We have already established that. There is no universal definition what it means for something to be a word. This is a global forum. Not an American one and even there you have interstate differences.

No you are misunderstanding

Iā€™m not deciding if blue is a word, I know it is already a word

Then you are implicitly deciding it is a word. There is no difference between the two.

Give me a example of that

The internet taught me itā€™s a word.

That is still wholly subjective. There is no absolute objective consensus on what constitutes a word or not.

The internet taught me itā€™s a word

If someone wants to argue host bias Iā€™ll bring up the internet saying it is a word.

A dictionary comes close, but as said, no host will want to dictionary check each post and there is still differences in dictionaries.

The internet is no absolute objective consensus either.

Iā€™m basing it off the internet

Iā€™m not basing it off everyone

That is again putting the onus on the player for pointing out your possible biases.

They canā€™t argue itā€™s biased if they canā€™t prove it is.

I will take that challenge head-on

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I couldnā€™t really, because most of it concerns expressions and not words and we donā€™t really share a language.

Singlish would be a better example.

Singlish is English?

American English, British English, Australian English, Singlish, all have unique words.

Bluestorm was found dead in their home last night

They were the Masochist.