Watch Your Mouth! Planters Win!

Datbird seems Slight townlean. I’d try and give them townlean but they never tried following up on Meteoro’s reaction test

Meteoro seems Null. He ignores reaction test, but tries to test Reaper. Maybe a slight scumlean but it’s iffy

whatt do you thinkk of thesee postss

readd contextt as welll

whatt makess Dabbird’s reactionn testt more townyy to you


Theres a lot of clarificationn like theyy are sayingg somethingg but are justifyingg everythingg theyy are sayinng to maybee not soundd scummyy

why wouldd townn feell the needd to justifyy theirr postss

likewisee why wouldd scumm do the samee

Meteoro never answered his reaction test, just continued with his.

and what’ss scummyy aboutt thatt

wouldn’tt scumm wantt to answerr reactionn testss as theyy caree moree aboutt how theyy are readd?

I meann I do it as town a lot to not get mislynchedd and scum to not sound scummyy.

wouldd you do it beforee someonee wouldd calll you out on it

Townn wouldd wantt to makee suree they’ree clarifiedd as townn

so you believee townn!Meteoroo wouldd answerr the reactionn testt

despitee theirr beingg no wayy to havee checkss heree

yes, as sincee theree is no checkss, reactionn testss are all we havee

@GamerPoke thoughtss on thiss?

I modcheckked him as scumm N0.

in thatt casee, whatt do you thinkk of theirr wagonn

I am thonking why did theyy forrm the wagoon afterr I votted him.

Whiich is strannge.

yourr behaviorr heree remindss me of Dustpann wheree you refusedd to takee a stancee on yourr readd of Margg.

In that gamee you triedd to deepwolff so I’m gettingg vibess heree


why shouldd I believee you are townn

@GamerPoke thoughtss on Lightsinn

/vote Gamerpokee