Watch Your Mouth! Planters Win!

Slams door

Prod time!


Respond to the prods within 12 hours or get kicked!

The rest of you are safe… for now >:)

VC coming in a few minutes


for wat

Accused Voters Number
Marluxion H_Hjasik 1/7
Reaper Meteoro 1/7
MaximusPrime Insanity, Geyde, Marluxion 3/7
Lightsin MaximusPrime 1/7

Thank you Solic for showing me the way of making VCs more appealing to look at

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I’m here mum

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What in tarnation

Oh memey votes

you’ree scumm I checkedd you n0


What in Tarnation

There’s no night abils except for Planters so…

I checked you D1 as planter.

nicee reactionn testt.

how do you readd the interactionn betweenn Datbirdd and Meteoroo.



Also I’ll have to go back and read

(Said no to marl)

you cantt hidee fromm me


I wasn’t hiding, trying to find it. Thanks for showing it though

for now, 3 letterr wordss


is beingg politee scummyy?

The mafiaa are pollite and theyy are scumm

But I wouldd say it dependss

explainn whatt you meann

justt in generall becausee you barelyy answeredd my questionn at all

Welll somee peoplee are justt meann as town and calmm/nicce as Scumm

Let me jst answer as no