@MaximusPrime @Marluxion @Emilia
Insanityy is confirmedd scumm
/vote Insanity
Accused | Voters | Number |
Marluxion | H_Hjasik | 1/7 |
Reaper | Meteoro | 1/7 |
MaximusPrime | Insanity | 1/7 |
Lightsin | MaximusPrime | 1/7 |
Insanity | Geyde, Marluxion | 2/7 |
Opps I was too busy reading manga
Refusall to takee a solidd stancee on readss
It is theirr scumtelll
In thatt casee, whatt do you thinkk aboutt Marlux followingg my pointss, withh nothingg to add
ima say tht u r bad at rea din but k (cou gh im til ted)
/vote Insanity
you sayingg my readds are shitt?
> : (
i donut think
what if the selected wurd is just wurd with an o
vote insanitu
If so, thenn I misunderstoodd yourr question .-.
So abou’ Light.
He justt speltt out completee wordd as if he kneww the triggerr wordd, but rightt afterr thiss…
He justt completelly changedd his speakinng styyle.
Pocketingg atteempt?
Anyyway, /unvote
/vote Light
Oh waitt.
I thinkk I confussed Light’s namee with Geydde’s namee, great.
I’m backk itt seemss likee everyonee has adoptedd thiss way of speakingg. Smartt thinkingg