Watch Your Mouth! Planters Win!

i donut think

what if the selected wurd is just wurd with an o

:wave: vote insanitu

If so, thenn I misunderstoodd yourr question .-.

So abou’ Light.

He justt speltt out completee wordd as if he kneww the triggerr wordd, but rightt afterr thiss…

He justt completelly changedd his speakinng styyle.

Pocketingg atteempt?

Anyyway, /unvote

/vote Light


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Oh waitt.

I thinkk I confussed Light’s namee with Geydde’s namee, great.

@Solic If you’re awake, can you do VCs please? I need to sleep and watching an almost hour long ASMR video made me even more tired. If Sol isn’t here to do VCs, then you guys can make your own, k thanks :zzz:

I’m backk itt seemss likee everyonee has adoptedd thiss way of speakingg. Smartt thinkingg

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not me bi tch

hey thatss not nicee I’m not bi or a tch

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@DatBird how do you readd Insanityy

Alsoo whatt is yourr favoritee fuckingg caprisunn flavorr

alsoo whatt do you thinkk aboutt Meteoroo’s responsee to yourr reactionn testt


on a si de no te, do es it se em li ke he is try ing to ba it me?


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I really don’t pay attention to my first day when it can miss lead to other things when I don’t have any resources

No. Read “They Say I Was Born a King’s Daughter” c:

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Insanityy stilll hasn’tt respondedd to yourr question aboutt Maxii otherr thann

and then wentt intoo lightt immediatelyy

Caprii Sun Flavorr EZ Fruitt Punchh

On Meteoroo I’m dissapointed theyy didn’tt evenn reactt to my reactionn testt becausee I wantedd to give themm one afterr how manyy they gavee me in SFOLL 43. Theyy kindaa justt wentt and stolee my strategeyy and triedd usingg it on someonee elsee and didn’t pay any attention to me. :frowning:

I kindaa forgottt to finishh my thoughtss on Insanityy oopss. It seemss odd theyy wouldd justt try and divertt attention off of themselvess so quicklyy especiallyy whenn askedd a questionn

The firstt day givess by far the mostt informationn becausee scumm aren’tt as preparedd.

For thiss I’d ask you to put more effortt intoo themm todayy.

We won’tt get moree informationn unlesss we createe reactionss

@Insanity I saw you