Watch Your Mouth! Planters Win!


post:298, topic:74574, full:true"]
/vote reaper

Rrereading tthis.

Tthis looks vvery sscummy, but I hhardly tthink tthey wwould be so aaggressive wwith the CFD uunless:

  • TR Rreaper. Tthink it’s a CFD

I ddon’t kknow wwhat wwould set tthem off so mmuch.

Tthis ggoes bback to the ooriginal ppoint aabout sscumtells.

I ddon’t tthink tthey aactually rread Llight’s post.

Nnothing aabout tthis rreally ddirectly ppings as sscum, nor ddoes it sseem tthat bbelievable.

Accused Voters Number
H_Hjasik Wazza 1/6
Marluxion Geyde, H_Hjasik 2/6

/vote Hjasik.

Anyone who was voting insanity at the end of yesterday was an idiot

Said to the one who told me to vote for him lel

I still suspicion on DatBird and Marl as my own opinion

My tho ugh ts are th at datb ird is sc um

Wi ll gi be mo re wh en I get ho me

Has anyone died because of the word yet

Why are so ma ny ppl so nonchalant abo ut this

You gu ys are sus

Bai tin g?


Tthat ddidn’t aanswer my qquestion in the sslightest



Are you aactually going to ccontribute?


who do you tthink is sscum?

Ffeels mmore llike a vvote for the ssake of a vvote iinstead of aactually rreading them as sscum.

‘I ddon’t llike tthem’ tthen bblaming a nnewer pplayer for ssheeping iisn’t a rread, it’s a hedgebet. Tturns out that the vvote is sscum-mmotivated in tthat it rrefuses to ttake a sstance on the mmajor wagons.

Eergo, you vvoted to sseem llike you wwere helping, and tthus you are cclear as ddaylights scum.

hhoribble rreaction to RVS

/vvote Maxi

Tthis has a 100% cchance of fflipping sscum.

@Wazza @DatBird @Reaper @ConfustoLook


Mmaxi is aalmost ccertainly sscum, vvote em

Tthis is far mmore likely tthan Marll for fflipping scum.

Accused Voters Number
H_Hjasik Wazza, Marluxion 2/6
Marluxion H_Hjasik 1/6
MaximusPrime Geyde 1/6

tthread ddead


: (

@PoisonedSquid pprod ppeople

U home yet. Want to know why

hey ttown

vvote Mmaxi

tthey ddodged ttaking a sside on the llynch yyesterday by vvoting you. Obv sscum