Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (17/17)- Dead Chat

Like, this site memes a lot about boxing in, but you literally can’t box in wolves with the town play here.

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Town only ever boxes in bussed/surrendering wolves or other town.

“Boxing in” refers to taking every villager out of the PoE and just lynching within the PoE.

Problem is that you can’t exactly take a villager out of the PoE if their ISO consists only of NAI mech shit or excuses why they can’t post.


Ain’t there 4 Scum?

nah there’s only 3

Not disagreeing.

I think your issue is expecting people to play to your high standard so you are pretty merciless. You operate under a “Better you lynch 9 villagers than allow one wolf to escape” principle.

I TR’ed Insanity.

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So did I. So did I

So did I until he started pushing on me and making himself look worse.

I expect people to be more villagery than wolves. Appel would have been an easy catch as she basically is playing the “get towncleared d1 then tone down the posting for the rest of the game” and I would have put her back in the PoE except that we already have a third of the players there as they were not really doing anything. You literally can’t win when the village justs posts shit like “Sorry, I’m not feeling like playing this day” or “What’s a CFD” or “I don’t have any scumreads.”


He was =rand for me, thing is since Appel and Derps were more villagery than him then he was stuck in the PoE.

people were overanalyzing my self-pres
which is non-existant

listen to whysper
she spit straight fire right here

hoping whysper gets quickhammered so i can do this while she’s actually here

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I feel like shit for tunneling Whysper tbh.

I did the same thing irt Light in BfA and I managed to snap myself out of the tunnel.

Here… yeah.

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Frankly for the Whysper deathtunnel I consider myself the responsible party.

Like I said, you’re merciless. It nails down wolves, sure - but it can be very suffocating for townies.

The worst part is that my reads in general are excellent but when I deathtunnel someone that’s a sure sign that I fucked up reading them.

Like in WW where I spent way too much time tunneling Merc.

Or in BfA my reads began going upside down after I tunneled light.

Like, this is effectively the main flaw with my town play.

I can usually get a better read when I don’t get tunnel vision and read the entire game by itself, but fuck.

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Like in SFoL63 I had an extremely accurate read on the HoB because I was tunneling nobody d2.