Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (17/17)- Dead Chat

No you haven’t, otherwise you would see they were obviously a wolf

Because you realised they are a wolf, right?

Honestly, if appel for some reason kills whyspur tonight, I still reckon these 2 vote each other before her. My god…

would i be surprised no

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@Whysper great post, well done

Carry us to a win whyspur. You are so close to locking a scum read on appel. You can do it!

whysper is my favorite newbie locking this in
i love her can she adopt me

Appel likely would’ve been lynched by now had I still been alive.

It’s possible.

Whysper, be the hero that town needs right now! I’m so glad you didn’t shoot Whysper Mole and I’m sure that Alice feels the same way right now.

YES! Katze is finally on the right track! :slight_smile: We might actually win this!

Listen to Katze everyone.

i will never call katze cringe again if he pulls this off

Me neither. She’ll be my new favorite player too.

if i was straight i could kiss katze rn
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Pretty sure there’s more ammo to make fun if you…

@katze @Vulgard

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What is appel doing that is so towny???

Then you suck

Like this literally screams who the scum is