Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (17/17)- Signups

only speak in names, go go go

I think this is the best.

Problem here is that people are just going to be mispelling shit intentionally. Iā€™d elongate the word length minimum to 6 and keep the misspelling thing so they donā€™t just yeet people for saying ā€œscumā€ ā€œvoteā€ or ā€œtown.ā€

Sulit and i are at a disadvantage (if we were playing)

Sometimes we misspell words as ohter words):<

Accidentally saying a trigger word is lol

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the word was: Otter

Chloe has died!


kat you still havenā€™t joined nerd.

im deciding against it aorn

Now I did math for nothing


ill sub into a wolf slot no worries

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If I were to join right now, when would game start?



Iā€™ll still be in online class for 8 hrs.

This game has no reason to be 17p.

Put it to 13 vs 3 as it matches how the last one worked.

my cleverness in abusing this gameā€™s horrid bomb mechanic would be fifty times higher than my WiM
if i bothered to join

The other game was:

10 vs 2

The balance ratio worked

4 : 1

Which made it:

8 : 2
10 : 2

Which is then how this game would work

4 : 1
8 : 2
12 : 3
13 : 3

Which makes this game more scumsided than the last one but thatā€™s FINE with the new one shot Villa who doesnā€™t always shoot Scum.

I refuse to say more.

uh id say it would start in 8.75 hours as thats when i would want it, but i would send rolecards tonight


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/informed spectator

Oh i forgot to


Why is that a problem? Last game that happened and they just made the word ā€œscummā€ to catch someone doing that consistently. Itā€™s fine to me if the bomb has more counterplay than not posting at all. At worst, it will be a post restriction for everyone, at best it will mean 2 kills per cycle. With some counterplay it can work as 1.75 kills per cycle.

Your suggestion can also lead to the same thing, where any words used are less than 6 characters in length actually. In which case it will be, which post restriction do you find more fun. :man_shrugging:

The setup is scumsided, thatā€™s a fact but getting a perfect balance is practically impossible.

We can see how balanced it is after watching it play out.