Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (17/17)- Signups

The problem will be fixed if you force roll me the lone Honor Student with infinite shots. I’ll just nail the scumteam while repeating “gutread goes brr”

And then they ban the word ‘gut’

that literally removes the entire point of the game
since you don’t write in full words
just break up everything

And canning is also a viable option here since the game creator isn’t active anymore. The host doesn’t seem too thrilled on it either anymore. I havent seen any of the playerlist like really love the setup, just joining, because it’s a game that is run. The queue is big enough.

Now my negativity will leave this space and you can enjoy the game hopefully. :upside_down_face:

wtf. that’s stupid.

hi my nam e is waz za and the bom b wil l nev er det ect me, wha t a los er

dick move bro


Didn’t happen in the first game :man_shrugging:

Why are you encouraging to can a game.

I can easily get Squid back here if I wanted to, but I’m not going to as she clearly wanted a break from this for College.

…I played in the first game.

And yes it did.

We literally used bullshit like /votee

And the bombs still exploded.

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Well then clearly it detects mispellings.

So your point is instantly gone.

The point is that not everyone followed that typ ing lik e thi s. So the point is still there.

Yeah i stopped doing it, and exploded

Making the bomb word someone’s name

“Marshal is prob green”


u cant thats a rule

Oh I didn’t read

no worries