Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (17/17)- Signups

Optimal play for the Honor Student is to shoot the counterwagon to the D1 elimination on N1, CMV

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/spec informed owo

Im not safe


th at ru le is ther becausse in t he fir st ga me evryone jusst ty ped li ke thiss

Post restrictions hamper town though, so I still think that was fair. Misspellings and such introduce possible host bias sooo. That also makes that the mechanic has a townsided advantage into being able to read into how much players are trying to dodge a trigger word.

I can understand the decision though.

Maybe make a rule that it can only be a verb or a noun to avoid being killed on

this, that, they etc.

I donā€™t actually think making the trigger word ā€˜thisā€™ or something is a good idea, it runs too much risk of scum accidentally exploding themselves

ā€¦not that thatā€™s necessarily going to stop them from doing that, but

The scum can just slank for the first few hours and watch someone die.

Orā€¦ just not say their self designated word that they know they canā€™t say.

Ok I believe I can tolerate this playerlist



N0 Bomb
D1 Lynch
N1 Kill


N1 Bomb
D2 Lynch
N2 Kill


N2 Bomb
D3 Lynch
N3 Kill

4v4 (9 days)

N0 Bomb
D1 Lynch
N1 Kill


N1 Bomb
D2 Lynch
N2 Kill


N2 Bomb
D3 Lynch
N3 Kill


N3 Bomb
D4 Lynch
N4 Kill


N4 Bomb
D5 Lynch
N5 Kill


D6 Lynch (17 days)

Uh something something Iā€™ll join if it hasnā€™t filled in 2 days. (2020-09-04T16:00:00Z)

Entry-level online classes.

Make a list of players who are forced to speak until a bomb explodes, as meat shields

Then everyone else can talk :^)


How did you get 4.5 days from this

If youā€™re using IRL days, then D1+N1+D2+N2 is four days, +D3 being a fifth day, and then Some amount of days for N3/N0

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48 hours is 2 IRL days. I definitely did not confuse this with forum days, that would be dumb.

/Uninformed :potato:

i now feel tempted to in on this

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Do it :grey_question:

ill stick with this for now

might reconsider it when i wake up or somethin

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Who wants to be grandslammed this game