Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (17/17)- Signups

I love Leafia for holding her own. It is way more fun to play a game where everyone plays their heart out as opposed to one party just being like “guess I give up”. It’s more fun for both parties.

What is your suggestion then for town to do in this situation?

I am calling out the “town leaders” who incentivize this and players in PoE who do this in these posts.

That’s an unfortunate viewpoint to me then. That’s basically all I can say about this. I’m no saint here either when it comes to handling players that I scumread. I’ll say that much.

Conceding is just no fun and self voting or any variant of that is just the town version of conceding (in most cases). Is it understandable in some cases, definitely. Is it the fun way to play games, definitely not.


I may have 100 games worth of “experience”, but I haven’t grown enough to be at eevee’s level. I don’t know what a town should do if they are in the consensus PoE.

I myself am more experienced with AtE, reverse psychology and causing chaos in general. If it were me, I would accept my fate and ask everyone to focus on whoever I believe to be scum after I die.

Aye. I am afraid that such is the case.
The best one can do against this is to motivate people to not give up and change themselves for the better.
Not everyone is as pessimistic and stubborn as me when it comes to “not wanting to change” so who knows? Maybe there will be people who do listen to the pep-talk and improve themselves.

Just keep hoping.

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chants town leader Zone, town leader Zone

He’s blacklisted for gamethrowing.

^ me as townleader is asking for a doomed game

I never liked the position of leader in the first place since it gives me nothing but responsibilities. I don’t even have the charisma to properly move people, and me thinking that “a leader has to focus on charisma instead of scumhunting” is probably wrong in the first place.

As I said before, I am better at AtE, reverse psychology and causing chaos; these are not exactly the traits you want from a townleader.

Players can improve.

Townleader is probably not the apt description.

In my head, the position of “leader” is no different than being an autocrat.
Did you lynch a scum? Great.
Did you mislynch a town? You get the blame.

“Out of 100 deeds, humans instinctively focus on the 1 bad instead of the 99 good.”

Zone doesn’t want to improve, he just votes/kills whoever he has a grudge against.

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That is only if you assume that the player is willing to improve. But to me, improving would have to mean to “change” myself, and I hate changing myself.

To put it in a simple way, I am the worst example of “players can improve”.

Yep. Unless there is nobody whom I have a grudge against, that is. (I keep repeating this in Purgatory III, but nobody seems to pay attention to that part.)

Then the blacklist might as well have been indefinite, if you don’t want to stop gamethrowing. This is not the place for this discussion I think.

You’re not a perfect person. I’m most certainly not. Noone is. There is always room for improvement and to change for the better and everyone should strive for that. I can’t understand your mindset without context and this is probably not the place to provide such context, so hit me up on discord or forum pm, if you’d want to talk. If not, I’ll settle for just saying that your mindset is unfortunate and leave it at that.


okay what if you just
cut words from a dictionary, put them together and posted that

Then you would either be talking gibberish, or get reported for “not talking in English”/“talking in codes”/“whatever @Datbird said when I used Zalgo”.

dictionaries are english and the bomb ignores snippets

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use a screenshot tool to create a sentence from dictionaries
you can’t get bombed for it

In the original game we ruled that text in images would count for triggering the bomb.

but datbird ruled that

Hm… well, go ahead and try it out, I guess?

Images with words count

But images of letters that make up words don’t

Purely because I want to see that anonymous message trope of cutting letters frim magazines


This is a very tall order for most people on this site. Most of them don’t really have the WiM or the capabilities to do it and will just get mislynched down the road.

Au contraire. Self-voting to get lynched is solving your slot using town KP. Blowing yourself up is solving your slot using wolf KP.