Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (17/17)- Signups

It’s not a mislynch as it’s wolf KP, not town KP.

I should have asked this months ago, but… what does this mean?

And when you get to 3v1 LyLo with 2 other very cleared villagers and a moderately deep wolf and now it is thanks to your selfishness that town lost.

Wants it more, as in dedication to keep on playing the game.

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Want It More

Basically the amount of drive you have to contribute to the game.
Burnout is a lack of WiM due to playing too many games in a period of time

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This is happening a ton on this site
it’s kind of a problem

Ah, I see. …no wonder people get burnt out so quickly. There are so many games in the queue!

I’m about to end this man’s whole career


You’re not that bad aside from the repeated self-meta usage.

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Are you though?

I’m replacing out if I roll wolf btw.

I’m mostly joking

I wonder how many times you have been “selfless” in this case. You wouldn’t get to lylo with that moderate deepwolf then, because you would have lynched them instead of yourself.

Most of the time the selfvoting is happening is not in a 300iq (that is actually right and not perceived to be right) way of saving townier people from a mislynch.

Your position in the game is not static or set in stone. Get a scum to flip and you’ll be out of that PoE handily.

I already concede that it doesn’t apply perfectly to this game setup here.

You madman they’re individual pictures



Anime FM. I was under suspicion for a FPS gone wrong so I tried to get myself killed in an event.

Surprisingly, I actually walk the walk instead of just talking the talk.

did you finish that guide you said you were making
or did school happen

i’ve thrown 1 on 1 duels where it’s me vs. someone else and one of us has to die becasue I townread them and was PoE in both

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Going to work on it after a drink.
