Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (17/17)- Signups

Still 16/18.

im assuming all of these nerds are faking

ā€¦? Dunno whatā€™s there to fake, but okay.

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join or :joycrab:

but joycrab is my passion

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join or i will use joy extinction meteor on joys

donā€™t let this game fill
let it die in signups

itā€™s terrible because scum have basically 2 kp
and they have 4 fucking members

But Town has 14 members.
Plus itā€™s easy to solve if someone dies to the word you can see if anyone made a post and purposely avoided that word making them almost Lock scum.

In the previous game we just indicated the post of the player that said the word. Not the word itself. If posts are long, it will be hard to impossible to figure out which was the designated word.

I also doubt the effectiveness of reading like this unless scum is going to be really obvious with their word choice as opposed to something generic like ā€œthinkā€ or ā€œevilā€ as was considered in the previous game. You wonā€™t be able to reliably link that to anyone.

I agree that this balance is wack and I donā€™t know how 10 town + 2 scum went towards 13 town + 1 PR + 4 scum

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Mind you the 2 scum won there too.

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And they even made the bomb stronger here and harder to avoid.

With our current trend of ā€œMafia winā€ I can only predict this one to be following that. We shouldnā€™t make our games more townsided because of that, but we should have them be balanced.

Iā€™d suggest to lose the honor student and run 3vs15? Iā€™m not good with Mountainous numbers, so someone fact check that with Geyde Ici whomever.

The Original Setup was 10 Town vs 2 Scum

14 Town vs 4 Scum is unbalanced. HOWEVER.

This setup can easily be fixed.

Change it to a 16p, 13 Town vs 3 Scum.

policy yeet marshal no matter what happens btw

atm current idea is to change to 17p 3 scum, 1 shot PR, 13 reg students

Iā€™d strongly suggest to not have bomb pick up on misspellings or spaces either as itā€™s a very feelsbad for town and introduces some host bias.

One of the best strategies there is to just donā€™t post until it explodes because there is almost no way to avoid it otherwise. This setup discourages posting enough already. Last time they got someone by taking the word ā€œscummā€. That should tell you enough that just altering how you post wonā€™t always save you.