Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

I have stopped caring about wolfreads on me

bonk me if you wish but i’m pretty sure that the team is derps / katze and that i’m gaming

Why Derps?

without being too specific as to not completely negate the usefulness of how i wanted to find certain peoples alignments this game: i needed people to talk about me

once i actually fully read your biblepost i’ll give you an answer

i didn’t really? i thought the exaggerated LAMIST shit was obviously an act

but my mindset should be pretty evident when i was yelling at vulgard to read my posts and made the abovementioned post where i’m discrediting the “derps read on esquid is basically a cop check” narrative so i can actually have people read me for what im doing

derps called katze’s slot locktown and i’m 80% sure katze is a wolf

and I don’t think he would be wrong and town on this read so I think that is just the team

I see no reason katze is locktown rn

You know, I kind of wish the same just because of this reason as well. The wolves keep using me as a scapegoat and potential ML and that distracting from other solving. Though at the same time, I’m glad for the chance to do more and get more involved in these discussions.

shouldn’t this be a towntell for me tho tbh

it was not “obvious”

“read my content” could mean a lot more

I outright don’t believe this was an RT at all and this really feels like “my tone and action were an RT!!!”

not when I have actual reasoning

appreciate the 1610 reference so have a :+1:, you dirty wolf

then read the rest of my posts

and then realize that my RT range is way bigger than this game because FoL28 exists

i suppose this is a good time to actually read that wall so i can tell myself if i should talk to you like i care about what you say because :city_sunset: or ignore it because :joy_cat::wolf::joy_cat:

Cannot be bothered to read 133 katze posts to prove or disprove he was doing an RT

its not that important anyway

im getting SPKed tonight :^)


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reading wallpost

@marshal you’re operating under the logic that we are the same person and thus posts i make and things i do can be directly correlated in an alignment indicative way to things you say, think, and do

this is a flawed mindset because i am not you, you are not me, and while we are both chaotic and erratic we are ultimately different

you are also operating under the assumption that i am promising things i plan to not deliver on

and finally, the modified cop13 game is a completely different setup to this game; in that setup (to my understanding) a “SPK” is pretty hard to coordinate as up to four lost had to agree on nightkills. whether or not this was part of your motivation to your play in that game is something i cannot say for sure, but this is a setup with no lost wolves (except you if you’re not a part of the scumchat) and you, in that game, only had true TMI on one player, where a wolf in this game would have TMI on all of the players

these flaws in your logic are probably enough to take that entire post and crumble it up because it’s rotten at the core

the fact that my quotes in this game align to an extent to a different players quotes in a game where they had TMI on only one player is amusing and coincidental at best

unfortunately i have split my time onto multiple things and have not put my 100% all into this game, there are ~2500 posts i have not read and i’ve only been here a few hours!

but this argument still relies on you correctly predicting the future

which means it is a useless argument

can you clarify on the bolded here? because it feels like it’s the same shit where you’re assuming im only promising content i don’t intend to deliver

which, for the third time, is a shitty argument

somehow in a post with so many words you fail to consider extremely basic things, and already have extremely inconsistent progression on my slot

which makes me think you’re just a wolf


if i look through the flawed logic and lack of common sense

i think that post has somewhat villagery motivation

if only
I addressed all of that in my post




ok well i’ve rekt half of your post let’s go on to the next

except it fucking is

and if you don’t think a LW will play differently from a pack wolf despite having the same goal you’re very cringe

At this point, I’m feeling better that we have other top tier players like you and Katze around. I think a plan with an order of lynches can actually be followed through and not later derailed by someone like Marshal.

Though I have to admit that I still have my doubts about the Kat-Esq slot. I think Esq’s behavior at EoD and SoD was suspicious.

I still think Marshal is one of the wolves, but this suggestion did give me pause. A team like this could explain the Surge NK as just a crazy kill for a joke. I could see Derps suggesting this and Esq just going along with it. But Kat has since then made the slot look better.