Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

Kat you’re cringe
I’m too tired to actually make reads right now so I’ll be lurking

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welcome to the bottom of my readlist


i am having a problem

i think im too tired to read because eveyrboys iso is towny god dammit

i think im sticking with plan A and not goign through with plan B

do i ignore every post in trocs iso that feels vilagery and call out the one super performative feeling post


my biggest concern is actually vulgards slot

i think vulgard would be with luxy/derps if i ignored PKRs posts but i dont think PKRs posts were good

i kind of want to vote whysper despite this

i am treating gorta like a cop check and if im wrong on them im never reading them again, they are town and anyone who doubts that is a bitch

tbh everybody under troc is a pretty weak read

these posts are either super villagery or blatant agenda pushing and im too tired to tell which but i think its the former

@Katze go to sleep, you have 7 hours and can afford a 1-2 hour long nap if needed. I am going to sleep

i am really bad at taking naps

i also take a long time to fall asleep

very low chance im around for EoD

Get some sleep and put a crap ton of effort in those other hours left

I know how that is and if that’s the case ignore my advice


eod is a bit before 1pm

i can probably pull it off ill just be grumpy as shit and on my phone

would be a good time to wake up too

maybe ill make it


open this only if your name is marshal

spk me tonight
spk me tonight
spk me tonight
spk me tonight
spk me tonight
spk me tonight
spk me tonight
spk me tonight
spk me tonight
spk me tonight
spk me tonight
spk me tonight
spk me tonight
spk me tonight
spk me tonight
spk me tonight
spk me tonight
spk me tonight
spk me tonight
spk me tonight
spk me tonight
spk me tonight
spk me tonight
spk me tonight
spk me tonight
spk me tonight

oh and

sheeping alice just in case i dont wake up

/vote Whysper

approve of both of these
of these vulgard can wait because he’ll be obvtown if town

setting alarm for 12:15 glgl

if u nerds hammer before EoD and i wake up im throwing

ayaya ayaya ayaya ayaya send help

Accused Voted by Votes
Marshal Whysper, Derps, Vulgard 3/5
Katze Marshal 1/5
Whysper Katze 1/5
Not voting Gorta, Luxy, Troc, Appel 4

Lemme know if i hecked up

Day ends 2020-09-13T16:45:00Z unless majority is reached earlier.

i’ll accept that

the important difference is that i replaced in d3 here
in wild west i was there from the start

i agree that this case has a terrible foundation
also kinda wolfy that he’s trying to pivot to kat all of a sudden

meh whatever
whysper/marshal are both fine kills

whysper doesn’t look like she knows what to do anymore
in all fairness, this is what happened to apprentice in wild west
but every day has just been “kill whysper” then she wouldn’t get killed
and the same thing over and over

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am i alone in thread again
that kinda sucks
i personally prefer marshal but eh

Haha, I hadn’t thought about it that way, but the comparison is good :slight_smile:

I guess I’m at the point of debating what path will help town the most. If confirming I’m town clears the way to victory, then I suppose that works.

I’m pretty sure the wolves are in Marshal, Derps, and Kat-Esq.

I’m not sure if I’ll be around for EoD since it’s after the time I should go to bed. I’m keeping my vote on Marshal. If I’m the one who gets voted, then good luck for the remainder of the game. :slight_smile:

Votecount wooooooooooo

Accused Voted by Votes
Marshal Whysper, Derps, Vulgard 3/5
Katze Marshal 1/5
Whysper Katze 1/5
Not voting Gorta, Luxy, Troc, Appel 4

Lemme know if i hecked up

Day ends 2020-09-13T16:45:00Z unless majority is reached earlier.