Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!


given this is basically lylo

iā€™d imagine that same logic applies to mylo

you feel disconnected



I canā€™t remember the last MyLo I was in

I just know in lylo as wolf I donā€™t know what to do

you dont look like you know what to do

I mean

I donā€™t really know what to do as town either

Iā€™m not in lylo very often

And Iā€™m lazy

are you confused

When arenā€™t I confused katze

boom bye scum



im supposed to be serious why am i memeing again

I donā€™t know the joke because I didnā€™t read that game

go away you bring out the wurst of me


Wurst hacked client

Best MC hacked client bro

im hungry and i dont know how to read you

and i dont want to have to read you

regret is a good word to describe my existence here

did marshal read you i forget

i might just sheep his read

Uh idk