Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

i have a gut feeling i know exactly how lylo is going to pan out and i’m not thrilled about it

in a couple hours im prob gonna start doing some gamer analysis but i’ll be semi busy until then

Hmmm, there’s a few reads that I’m confident in after getting caught up on today.

I’m almost positive that Katze and Vulgard are both v and that Derps is a w. Kind of agree that noyeeting would be best now too.

/vote Noyeet @DatBird @Chloe

Accused Voted by Votes
No Elimination Katze, Leafia 2/4
Derps Whysper 1/4
Not voting Appelsiini, Vulgard, SirDerpsAlot 3

Day ends 2020-09-16T16:50:00Z

what changed here

Hmmmm, I think it was the discussion with Vulgard that you had while I was napping and me being a bit more awake and able to think after my nap.

gamer read #1: leafia in w meta
gamer read #2: vulgard v?

gamer moment: /unvote

gamer moment #2: leafia and derps is the scumteam

gamer moment #3: probably

Accused Voted by Votes
No Elimination Leafia 1/4
Derps Whysper 1/4
Not voting Appelsiini, Vulgard, SirDerpsAlot, Katze 4

Day ends 2020-09-16T16:50:00Z

Aaaaa I’m awake
The timezones are against me

Anyway, I’ve fully read the thread and a few things:

  1. I’m now around 99% confident on Vul, never cuddle this slot
  2. Kat W for things I will elaborate on later because school
  3. @Vulgard talk to me about your Derps read because gutread go brr

I do respect you enough to give you this pity one percent.
You got this \o/ Go Vul go

surely by W you mean i am double villager

i expect gamer reasons or im calling you very cringe

okay well
i went more in-depth about it earlier today but
derps has done absolutely nothing this game and is continuing to do nothing
some of his votes have been very opportunistic
he hasn’t done anything outright stupid which is something i see more from village him than wolf him. the fact he hasn’t done anything stupid doesn’t inspire confidence on my end
also, by process of elimination, he is in the most viable wolf pairings. he can be with whysper and he can be with katze
i don’t think katze can be with whysper and i don’t think derps is with whysper because of perspective dissonance
leaving derps katze as my most viable team

i feel like vulgard isn’t actually reading my posts and is instead opting to read other peoples interactions with my slot to find interactions they find possible to be W/W

how accurate is this

by ‘reading my posts’ i mean

reading them to find my alignment

i assume you are reading my posts, as in the words on your screen

but are you reading them beyond that

are you absorbing these pixels and trying to fabricate an expert plan to mislynch me/realize my villagery core

i have already said what i think about your posts in my individual reads post
i did read your posts

wait im really dumb i have a perfect copypasta for this

Vulgard, Vulgard, Vulgard. It’s simple. Elementary, even. If you open your heart, your mind, nay - your very soul, the truth will come to you. Philosophers debated this question in the great forums of Athens, but even they were too closed-minded to understand the truth. The greatest thinkers of the modern era have grappled with this question. Hobbes, Locke, Descartes, Nietzche, Einstein, Watterson - all have buckled under the weight of the intellectual burden, because they too did not understand the truth.

My villager alignment is not something you learn - it’s something you already know.

this is partially true
i have less confidence in reading you independently, so i’m trying to rule pairings out
and i have successfully ruled out the absolute majority of them by now.