Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

quote it

quote it i dont remember the 180 tbh

id say it’s a fairly notable one

given the games i tried extra hard to explain my thought process are games people have found me as obvious town (sfol61/sorta 61.5/maybe even 62 come to mind)

Kat are you okay

You wrote a post to arrive at a conclusion and changed your mind
It is called a 180

I believe this is where it started, I have been mentioning this the whole time.

Why are you not doing that here
Why are you keeping your thought process a secret


appel i am smartn’t

so basically i was like “huh PKRs posts this game are kinda lacking” and then i went through multiple games (insurgency/cfm2 for scumgames, skimmed a bit of fol28 but decided evil 3p wasnt the same, and then wild west, fol30, and tos2 for towngames)

and my first thought was “wow how the fuck do people read this guy” and i kept going and going

and then i noticed he was just kinda not doing anything this game which didn’t feel strictly AI

i felt like a few of his posts felt noncommittal and overall just “im posting to post” which felt sorta aligned with the wolf games

he also had a hateboner for seth which i thought was funny but not AI

but then i found a few posts of his that felt somewhat aligned with how it looked like he made reads in his town games

primarily his reads on derps

it feels like he's actually trying to start a CFD here and i don't think PKR is much of a busser? aldo dont think this was a time it'd make sense for PKR to bus derps

so it’s kind of not really a meta read at that point PKR was obviously super uninvolved in this game

although he wrote pretty similarly formatted posts to this in one of the towngames i looked at, fuck if i remember which one

so basically i was gonna try to fake a scumread on vul and then it became kinda real and then it wasn’t and then it was obvious it was fake so i kept pretending it was something overly convoluted but at some point i stopped faking shit and was just pretending it was fake


  1. doing it requires a LOT of wim, which i don’t have for this game
  2. i don’t really want it to become a standard for me (i don’t want to get SPKed when i signup for games :wowee:)
  3. i don’t consider it that fun because the way my brain works is fucking weird and writing my thoughts in a comprehensible way is difficult
  4. i find it fun to be ominous sometimes

i kinda wish i asked marshal how to read PKR before he died tho cause i feel like im missing something


i considered keeping the wallpost just to have a very convincing fake post but i just stopped caring and couldn’t really find it in me to bullshit a post to such extents

i still think he has wolf equity dont get me wrong but like

not to that extent

i did include this song in the post i wanted people to listen to it while they read along

i have reasons to townread all 3 of you this game sucks

i could maybe try to write a post and dump my genuine thoughts but


it’s a genuine struggle im not sure how i managed it in 61

maybe i should reread it and try to remember how i was thinking

ah yes this is a good start

what happened to that katze where did they go

why did i say i wanted to be serious that game then spend like half of D1 claiming alch

how did i turn it into a somewhat useful RT


anyway if i survive to f3 ill probably try a bit harder to explain thoughts

depends where my mental state and motivation are tbh :joy_cat:

cause im not getting misyeeted at f3

that is something i promise to myself

and this isn’t a wolf!katze mentality, i can probably find full length games to back this point up but recency bias is telling me that a turbo i played literally today supports that pretty fucking well, just look at how i played D4 and D5 (LyLo), instead of scumcasing anybody i was primarily focused on making sure i was obvious town granted i was annoyed because i should have been blatant town that game but meh

i am near unmisyeetable when it matters and i don’t plan on adding another exception to the very small list of exceptions to that rule

i don’t think appel is the wolf still
i’m reading this as katze vs whysper

while i appreciate that whysper is posting more now, and while i apologize if whysper’s town, i think that kat is townier right now

whysper’s iso of appel was more a recap of what appel did instead of an analysis, at least that’s how i read the post

and like kat said, in a world where whysper is scum, derps is the one who came up with the leafia nightkill and whysper just does it but can’t really write wifomposts about it

tbh i think im snapvoting whoever isnt whypser in LyLo so if im wrong i get to blame moleland and all the villagers who ignored alice and if im right i get to call alice a loser


like it’s pretty simple

i am incapable of deepwolfing so the fact i am even considered a villager here should mean im lock villager

anyone who votes me literally ever from this point forward is gamethrowing and honestly cringe

the day i manage to take an entire FM game seriously is the day i take over the forums

even on EightySecond i still broke character to call seth a failure

anyway if any of you nerds come back around in the next… ~90 minutes

ping me

is this a fake post or not

im offended you have to ask

like the obvious answer is i get SPKed tonight and if i am SPKed i cannot snapvote

if the wolf makes the mistake of not SPKing me then i will [REDACTED]

i’m offended you still think it’s okay to screw me over
what if you’re villa and i just vote you for being a liar (because it’s a valid reason to vote someone) and then we lose the game if you get hammered

posts like these are just