Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

Hmmm, okay. But on Vul’s EoD, do you think he couldn’t have gotten a ML off? That he had to bus his partner to get towncred today?

that’s a big point in his favor

for what its worth i think bussing derps there isn’t necessary for vul/derps to win the game but i also think it essentially guarantees the win for wolves

with that said i do think it isn’t like, the path he has to take as a wolf

like, in 9/10 worlds i think vul/derps can probably just ML you and win

honestly i’m probably too focused on the microread on vulgard, which i think looks iffy, and not the macro, which is a lot less iffy

Hmm, okay. I want to ponder this a bit.


if we sleep and vul lives to F3 then the :eyes: come out

which is why i think the NK can come from a wolfgard because it can explain why he’d be alive in F3

but this is me assuming vulgard thinks that hes gonna hardbus at F6 and then have town sleep at F4

which is probably unreasonable

at a macro level, vulgards actions are much better than his social standings on a micro level


is it just you

do you encourage me to think more about my vul read if you’re the wolf here


Haha, I’m thinking the same about you right now :grinning:

Because it is actually working too

this game is gonna give me gray hairs

I’ll find a way to tinfoil appel later just so I can say postgame at one point I was right no matter the result

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Alice didn’t die at night so surely she can’t be mad at us for letting You endgame right :flushed:

Haha, good technicality :grinning:

you ever spend an hour writing a wallpost and then while writing you realize that you no longer believe in what you’re writing about



fuck PKRs posts this game i literally had to ISO that guy in 4 different games just to come to a conclusion and then AN HOUR LATER I CHANGE MY MIND

wheres appel i need to call her a wolf

:joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat:
:joy_cat: @Appelsiini :joy_cat:
:joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat:

you are a wolf and being boxed in

Not if I box you in first

I want to see the wallpost, post it you coward

Alright but seriously speaking, I’m in class. I’ve caught up but I’ll give my thoughts later

i deleted it

i don’t think i can physically retrieve it if i tried

because i changed my mind and thus didn’t feel the need to post a post i didn’t believe in :wowee:

which in hindsight i could have done for like, reactions or some shit, but eh, too late

Did you ever think anyone could’ve maybe like, wanted to see your thought process so that they could look at it and read into it

hilariously i wrote in the post something about me laying out my thought process

so yes im just not very smart :wowee:

if you want to figure out my thought process im p sure ive written quite a few posts that would display it



This is the problem ree
Why do you never explain anything? You still haven’t explained your behavior from yesterday that I accused you for.

Question time. Could you summarize your thought process for me during that 180?
Is the actual reason you’re so supposedly hard to read because you don’t let others see your thought process, even as a villager?

…I’m not going to go through that again. I believe you’d have easier time quoting them for me since you know what the posts are in the first place