Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

Hm? I don’t understand this.

If you’re saying why don’t I push players I scumread, I’m planning to, I’m just letting everything play out right now, there’s a wagon on Mole I believe with players scumreading the players that I’m scumreading (Some), however that’s not enough for me to want nor need to shift the thread balance.

I could move like, appel and wazza and PKR and derps into their own weird “I don’t think they specifically belong in nullcore but I don’t actually want to townread them yet” pool

but mehhhhhhh




am I just bad

no because you made a safehaven list of words that I only realised was useful after Cloned posted for the first time and instantly went boom lmao

What do you mean by fixation? I commented on it once, said it’s excusable and moved on. It’s honestly like we’re in different games altogether. You never answered when I asked why you thought Marshal was towny, you never answered why you decided Chili’s carefree attitude was towny.

You said, and I quote:

Which is objectively wrong. You’ve had a few messages where your wording seems off, and when I call you out on it, you say you meant something else. This is not how it works. I was conflicted about your slot earlier, but I am starting to think you’re more scummy than not.

I think wazza being this self-centric (as in many of his reads are based off of things in the thread related to him) is probably v-indicative.

Specifically the “luxy is lower because he disagreed with one of my reads” doesn’t feel like a wolf who is analysing the thread from a backseat and with TMi making a faker ead, it feels like someone who’s perception of the game is through their own lenses only.

I can’t explain this well

Marshal, please look at the discussion between me and Alice. It’s not exactly what she’s doing, but she is downplaying me and Whysper for incorrect reasons.

Imagine relying on metareads.

Yeah, I was talking about your reasoning as to why you moved Luxy in your scumleans despite not really having them as a scumlean.

I don’t know about self-centeredness, but I agree that his mindset in general is making me lean him V.

not self-centered, self-centric, as in his views on the game are warped by how the game relates to him.

First one I already said it.

Among Us read doesn’t feel like a wolf would do it and his paranoia. Plus we’ve been on the exact same page the entire game, so that’s a huge sign that he’s V as well.

Second one I’ve answered as well. Chili’s carefree as a wolf of her level would be under more pressure to post. See how she played as Para in FoL30.

Can people quit downplaying metareads?

It’s a way to read a player so quit it. It’s not the best but it’s still a tool used to find who is scum and who isn’t.

There’s a select group of people who you can read via metareads, a good example being Italy, Whypser may not be one of them but as time progresses, it might become easier and easier to metaread a player.

I also don’t think you, as wolf, try to get me to reverse my read on alice in almost any world, knowing how skilled she is at v and obviously wouldn’t if she was a wolf

so have a townlean

as for the actual case to me it just seems like bickering and I’m not getting anything out of it, I don’t think what you’ve pointed out is AI and I don’t think anyone in the thread is actually getting anything out of it and I think you are better off either focusing on other people or, like, making a post that is an outright case on alice and not just stating your read on her after each conversation you have.

If you do the 2nd then we can talk about it

I think Appel’s p much an obv villa by now from how she’s handling my slot.

PKR’s still sketchy.

Which isn’t effective in the slightest unless on a very specific pool of players.


So why are you cancelling out Meta reads for those specific players?

On Marshal.

P sure I have my reasoning why Trochi is V somewhere else.

…Bleh. You might be right.
I’m still keeping an eye on her, but I’ll just continue doing what I’ve been doing with Wazza etc. If she doesn’t get better in my eyes, I’ll do a case on her before EoD. How much time do we have?

I think PKR’s comment about mindmelding with me is slightly >rand v, I don’t like his “RT” but it’s PKR so i’m not going to go crazy focusing on it

and yeah it’s basically this for my alice read atm, I agree with a lot of what she’s been saying besides specifically the Esquiddy read

And it could be i’m both hardpocketed and bad but there’s been times where she’s said things I was about to say, and I don’t think she knows me well enough to deliberately do that.

Or try to solve other slots as I never endgame. I’m basically never the lynch today and odds are I’m dead n1.

I think I should out my secret PKR read rn. It’s nitpicky, but yeah.

PKR’s reaction to Seth being Seth felt excessively reserved. Usually he just flips his shit and wants to lynch him but this game he’s been… way too reasonable and tolerant?