Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

PKR said something like “Yeah, that’s the reaction I was expecting, bla bla bla” and then you called bullshit.

did you
read 3 posts down

also in an effort to save posts
can you try to explain the alice read seeing as it’s your top town

I meant her comments towards Esq and then in respect to me and Marshal. Plus, IIRC Esq is roughly her only read so far.

Again, she also made a comment similar to this in respect to Marshal and I which felt a bit out of place considering how early it was. I wouldn’t lynch her today but I’m going to keep and eye on her.

Mostly the fixation on my opener. I did it as a reason why I’m basically bleh-ish with being a bomb target.

No. I haven’t reread thread since I skimmed it this morning.

Maybe later. I don’t really have much WiM right now.

…I’m pretty sure that it’s just because he’s been extra Seth-y this match.

apologies, but what does WiM mean?

Brb, eating now.

I’ve reformed. I hate this “Alice uses her rage as a shield to prevent being pushed” shit and I want it to stop.

well alright then, it’s just what i’ve gotten from experience

the “fairly obvious tonal differences” might still stand.

also @Esquiddy what are your reads on people who aren’t derps. If the answer is “I don’t have any”, can you try to read people and get some?

Want it more – basically motivation.

She’s new, I believe she’s just trying to improve and trying to help the town as much as possible.

Yeah, same, doesn’t help me from feeling wrong about it.

And if I’m wrong the one time I’m trusting in my gut (Since I’m always wrong on my read on Seth), then imma be annoyed.

ah, thanks appel! just when i think i’ve learned all the terms there’s more smh

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Alright. I don’t agree with Marshal’s reads but their reasoning is fine, especially the last part.

Is this town- or wolf-indicative?

it’s not really AI of her and if she says she’s not going to do it anymore then I’m going to assume she won’t.

Well…i interpreted what you said similarly to Jane.

I like this, even if this is a bit shallow mindset. No offense.
Also Whypser

If you think only one player is scummy enough to be a scumlean, why wouldn’t you want to push them first? Couldn’t you just say you are willing to change your target if you’re not confident in your only scumlean?

Updated reads (not ordered, just teired):

Probably not wolf

Maybe a wolf

Probably? a wolf


holding off reasoning on esquiddy until she answers my question

but man I really do not have many reads


i’ll read shit ig and see if things can gamer or something

Why are you scumreading Psycho?

general note: i’m trying to work on my hyperposting problem as i know it clogs threads so i’m only gonna pop in when i have something constructive to say or a question to ask
on surge: i don’t think i’ve actually had a town game with them, and i know people say he’s extremely easy to read by meta. could someone give me an example of what he does as town and wolf?

Wtf happened to Luxy here?