Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

The timing is pretty funny

Thatā€™s not what I asked

And Iā€™m not sure. Coincidences happen.

/vote moleland

alice isnā€™t new no, i was just saying meta reading new people in general isnā€™t likely to work.
also, iā€™m voting myself for the meme itā€™s not actually serious lmao

Very cool

Mole can feel free to commit die today

Wait, ur not a newer player? I am confusion

alice is incredibly experienced

Wait, then why did they get so hyped up about it. Like, it is dumb to meta read newer ppl but if theyā€™re not new, why did they almost respond as if they were attacked?

Nobody was meta reading me. I just dislike meta reading in general as itā€™s extremely inefficient.

Listen, I have pursued pushes on players like Arete and Alice before, so I donā€™t think I would be afraid to push a case on you as a wolf because I can replicate my town game pretty good.

I am the type that can replicate my town game as scum, which is why I wonder why I am in the never convert pool. I still think I do have towntells, but even I donā€™t know quite what they are. I am more likely to make mistakes as a wolf, as you probably know.

You donā€™t read Marshal on that. Scum Marshal can lead the town just as good as town Marshal and he is usually invested as either alignment.

I mean I would rather not die, but I will not only use words from a pre determined list in order to save my rear end.

I think they did spectate a game or so and Derps is usually slightly suspicious unless you know how to read him.

Iā€™ll take a look at him

This is exactly it. Meta reads = bad except if itā€™s for a few people here

I couldnā€™t agree more with this, as people usually put someone like Alice or Marshal in towncores and then let them dictate the flow of the thread. They also never question things and let this happen, so itā€™s healthy to encourage skepticism surrounding Aliceā€™s and Marshalā€™s slot. Donā€™t automatically SR them, but think for yourself instead of letting people like Alice or Marshal think for you

I will have to take a look at Whysper, but I donā€™t think her suspicion of you is scum indicative. Not solving and strictly shading might be something to look for, but questioning the main town people isnā€™t a bad thing

yeah, i was quickly informed about that and iā€™ve made sure to note it. also, esquiddy knows SDA irl so that might explain their interactions

My main goals for today are

  1. look at Marshalā€™s previous scum games

  2. quickly ISO Derps

  3. look at Mole (I think Mole is in his scum meta now)

  4. take a peek at Whysper and Eli

I want people to hold me to these things. Itā€™s a list of things thatā€™s pretty easy to do and I often get lazy, so thatā€™s why I want people to hold me to these goals

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@Marshal Can you link me your last 5 or so scum games?

i honestly donā€™t think iā€™ve seen a game with town mole at all
are the differences in his wolf vs town meta notable enough to read him this way?


I am very much not good to meta-read, most people arenā€™t, but whatever (as catlover)

not counting neut / LW / turbo games.

I think mole has been lacking any sort of solving, heā€™s only done 2 even slightly notable things, one of them is just talking about trochiā€™s poetry and the other is ā€œthatā€™s an interesting mindmeldā€ and refusing to elaborate.

good bonk for today

Oof dang, I thought I was being big brain. My biggest issue with playing right now I think is that I donā€™t really know anyone very well. I see the usernames but I mix them up with other people in the game, making it hard to make reads on anyone bc everyone just melds into the same 3 ppl in my mind (itā€™s very annoying)


Bad boink actually.

Ok. Now Iā€™ll see what I can conclude here.