Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

I’ll re Eval if this flips Town.


It won’t tho

What response is this?

okay i’m sorry to interrupt but i know i’ve heard CFD before in relation to a last minute random lynch is that what this means?
oh for god’s sake i asked for no quickhammers we still have an hour of discussion left

i have no idea

Cfd is chinese fire drill

Chinese Fire Drill.

Last minute wagon switch.

Well not last minute specifically but mainly a switch off of the main wagon and counterwagins to a different wagon.

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chinese fire drill means nothing to me
okay a last minute switch makes sense though

is the thread going dead this close to EoD?
this is the most important time town has

I think everyone just settled on an Eli lynch and… yeah.

Who has that hammer? :hammer:
Where is it?

it was a fake

Show me that hammer. :hammer:

marshal had already voted me

@EliThePsycho Give me that hammer! :hammer:

Well, you are at L-1 now though.

…haven’t you already
voted me?