Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

*and like to “get away” with openwolfing

Whysper also wouldn’t likely know to just let Alice live to frame her

If Whysper is a wolf then someone better is also a wolf

are you assuming a marshal/whysper team together or just being suspicious of both separately?

Accused Voted by Votes
Whysper Derps, Marshal, Esquiddy 3/5
Not voting Whysper, Gorta, Luxy, Troc, Appel, PKR 6

oh shit i didn’t know we were at L-2 already. no more voting right now, alright?

I highly suspect that Marshal is a wolf and I don’t know about Whysper

i’m definitely going to have to look at some of his other wolf games, i’ve never played with him tbh i just know he’s considered to be an extremely good wolf.

this is

such a terrible reason

you can say stuff about “marshal OwO shutting down my reads” but this is genuinely so bad

I’m not searching through my like 50 towngames games to find this, I know i’ve done this as town, and even if I hadn’t i’m not somebody who has tells

you know that my wolfgame is deliberate

I claimed convert in rm4 before I knew I was converted. So I thought I was town. I’ve said this in multiple places before

the wolfclaim in ToS2(I assume you mean ici’s tos2399, but remember that ToS2 is a different game) as a fake reactiontest on arete to get them to scumread me as part of a plan. It wasn’t to “get away” with it.

please quote where I claimed wolf in JoaT9. I post :joy_cat: a ton, it’s literally one of my 3 personality traits im a basic bitch

this is terrible
truly terrible

your “meta tell” can frick right off, meta doesn’t work on anyone who’s not a l1 player and the fact that this site thinks it still does is honestly a true and complete tragedy, much like your “psychological tell”

I am insulted, truly and genuinely insulted, that you think I would do that just to “get away with it” as wolf. I am much more calculated than that and you need to seriously re-eval your thought on me

if ur wolf then like gg lol

but I think ur not which is why this “meta tell” paaaaains me so fucking much

I could be more mature and calmly explain why meta as a basis for a read is almost never good and how incorrect tunnels one way or another happen.

but I don’t feel like taking the high road right now and don’t want to get into a bullshit theory argument and I think telling you that your reasoning is inherently atriocious with a base reasoning why should give you enough to get the gist

We can talk on whatever we want

whysper is definitely the right chop here, with all the EoD1 bullshit and alice’s read on her she can just die

the stuff she fought with means I don’t think she was actively being bussed

I don’t like pre-flipping but if she is wolf and I die I want a solid basis on things

I think only luxy is spewed clear from whysper if she’s wolf because of her reaction to being pushed really does not feel like a bus, I think a newer player in her position would accept the bus but she is actively trying to dodge yeet so I don’t think whysper / luxy is w/w

I will look into this further, but you might have a tell you don’t know about. We all have our habits and mannerisms we don’t know about

I can tell, we were scum together in ToS2. Everything you do as scum is deliberate, which is why I suspect that you are a wolf who let Alice live to frame her. Instead of look at everything you jumped to the conclusion that Alice was a wolf. You aren’t Derps and this is why that sudden jump concerns me.

I will have to review that

I do mean ici’s tos2399 and I was wolf with you, so I know that was a deliberate thing. Why did you claim mafia here? Why do you keep making town boxed in jokes? What purpose does it serve? I am simply calling out things I find odd

I haven’t seen you use joycats much as town. Could you link me your most recent town games?

That’s the impression I got when I wolfed with you in tos2399 and how do we know your claims aren’t calculated here?

Can you explain how Whysper would know not to kill Alice to frame her?

Scum Whysper has a pretty good partner if she deliberately didn’t kill Alice, which is a stronger player. I don’t think a scum whysper with newer partners does this. If Whysper flips wolf she is getting bussed and someone better at this game/has been around awhile is her partner.

because I think it’s funny

that’s literally it

are you serious




I haven’t actually had a town game in a while
so, no, look for it yourself

I use joycats
so much


it is my top used emoji everywhere

calling joycats a tell is like saying someone is town for breating. It is literally a subconscious function of mine to post :joy_cat:. I am :joy_cat:.

you are assuming specifically that alice was kept alive to frame alice herself

there are a lot of reasons that the nightkill could happen, not just to make alice look bad, and so this argument is inherently based off of unsteady and heavily assumed information and I won’t engage with it

Who kills Seth of all people over someone like you or Alice? Seth was only townread for tone and doing mostly anti town things. Seth is generally useless in most cases (no offense) and generally left alive

I am saying that I think there’s likely something deliberate about it. I don’t know what that could quite be, but it gives me a bad vibe after our last wolf game together and this isn’t the primary reason I suspect you. I primarily suspect you for how you handled Alice today.

I am serious, I don’t remember you using joycats as much when town. Maybe someone can back you up, but I honestly don’t remember.

seth is never misyeetable because he was locktown

his reads might have been accurate but like he wasn’t a misyeet

its lol because it’s seth but it could come from a range of people and reading this much in to it is bound to be flawed

what is bad about how I handled alice? I had paranoia on her and made a plan to sheep her confident reads if she flipped as that is the best way to get a wolf

this is literally laughable

go look yourself, YOU have the burden of proof to prove I don’t do it as town, i’m the defendant here.

your read on me is bad and wrong, the nightkill reasoning is over-read in to and is just a machine for confirmation bias and if you don’t want to look at my town games to see if your beautiful and amazing meta tells are actually correct.


look somewhere else or come back with even semi-sensible reason

ik i’m being harsh but this is so far off and with such l1 reasoning that I can’t help but rip in to it

provided you are villa i can help you see where you went wrong once the game is over and i’ve flipped town

because atm I think you are too tunneled to take my words to heart and not just think it’s wolf deflecting your accurate case

God this is such terrible play

Examine the Surge NK closely. If I was wolf, why in the world would I choose him? He was so clearly on my side and called me obvious town, so I would need to keep him around. Someone might see it as a way to frame Alice, but that’s such a huge risk. Leaving alive 3 towncore just to take the chance that 2 would turn against Alice? Why not just kill Alice directly and keep around Surge? That would have been the better bet.

No, the NK only makes sense if you look at exactly how it was calculated to happen. Marshal pushed right away on Alice.

And then proceeds to set up a pre-flip to kill me after Alice flips V.

Marshal knew how she would react to this. He knew she was getting frustrated with me escaping the lynch. The accusation against her was calculated to enrage her so that she’d just start yelling and get herself killed by the bomb. Even if she didn’t trigger the word, the idea would have been to get her ML’d. No matter whether the bomb killed her or she was ML’d, the suspicion goes right back to me for the next ML.

And again, as calculated, Marshal was hoping to push for a quickhammer in the midst of the confusion. He wants to avoid letting people talk this through and make sense of it.

So please everyone, think this through. Don’t let Marshal get away with this.