Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (17/17)- Dead Chat

Like for the issues IRT PKR/Insanity/Esq I can’t fix as you can’t read people who don’t play.

But I should have found Whysper as town sooner or later. Why didn’t I?


I think maybe ask them their opinion on other players you have semi decent reads on. You’ll probably get more out of people if they didn’t just feel constantly under attack.

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Tbh, I think this works. Tbh pre-Insurgency I would never tunnel people and my reads would always be extremely accurate.

Like in BfA, here, and WW to an extent my reads were downright horrible as I spent way too much of the game tunneling people. I’m pretty sure as soon as I quit tunneling my reads will return to be as consistent as before.


…but how tf do I stop tunneling? >_>


try to like use the nights and re read the posts, and try and do it with no like greivances or bias, its hard but if u feel so hard about a read it might be a tunnel

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heh heh heh

Why’s @DybuDabu when you need him.
Betcha if Dybu Dabu was in this game he would say “Read Derps. Derps Scum.” “Vote Derps or Loooser!”

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they are right here @Alice

Honestly Marshal’s play SoD3 was downright horrible.

Like stop making these “this scenario is exactly TvS” reads as if you’re wrong you look extremely wolfy.

Also this site gives WAY too much credit to NKAs to the point that wolves know this and use it against town.

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we had no discussion over Seth kill

this was the discussion on seth kill

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lol rekt tbh

Esq/PKR/Insanity weren’t even playing the game.

Troch derped hard EoD1 but she kind of recovered.

Whysper got deathtunneled by me, so shrug.

Like, I would have re-eval’d hadn’t it been for Esq/PKR/Insanity not playing this match, but I just couldn’t afford to add more people to the PoE without removing one of those three and since they didn’t bother to play then I could not clear them.


rip esquiddy
could have been great
flopped it

also didn’t Insanity go boom?

He got ML’d EoD2 while also voting nobody.

Again, when a fourth of villagers don’t play the game it turns into a crapshoot.

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It’s kind of why I’m thinking of returning to MU as they don’t have this problem there.

i mean
i appreciate you being here

im just not as invested into these games, as i know how bad they can turn out

Eh, I don’t think you’re part of the problem. At least you try.

I’ve basically told Arete/Dat/Chloe the issues I have with this site and frankly I believe it stems mostly from some changes made earlier this year.

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