Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

Ok like
actuually fuck you

ā€œit should be super obvious this read was made before I replaced inā€

you could fake it
you could ahve thought I was powerwolfing, learned I wasnā€™t, and still aid it


so why is my read villagery

Accused Voted by Votes
Whysper Marshal 1/5
Marshal Whysper, Derps 2/5
Not voting Gorta, Luxy, Troc, Appel, PKR, Katze 6

Lemme know if i hecked up

Itā€™s semi-villagery because I think itā€™s genuine with the way you are handling it

fuck all of this iā€™m leaving thread

if whysper dies today and is villa

thatā€™s just on me, iā€™m bad. Thatā€™s alright

if I die today and flip villa

every town person who votes me is bad. Not making a mistake. Bad at forum mafia. Even if whysper is v, deciding to go me over whysper is legitimately something that cannot come from a player with good game sense.

There is
so much against whysepr

literally so much evidence

where as I am powerwolfing for making a quickhammer joke and wahtever the FUCK kat thinks

I already regret my posts

iā€™m sorry

iā€™m leaving thread iā€™m not healthy in it

but, like, holy shit guys

are we forgetting what alice said?
or the no self presses?

whysper should have died 2 nights ago but thatā€™s not even the point

will say i find this AtE disgusting

mmmm i fucked up

again apologies

donā€™t clear me for this itā€™s incredibly fakeable and iā€™m mad anyways for other reasons itā€™s a bad reason


will also say iā€™ve not once said i intend on voting you over whysper

because from what i read when half-spectating i thought that yeet also needed to happen

i just think that you should also be in the next two yeets at the least

whether or not you are next up or up in two is yet to be decided

if whysper is a wolf i think im comfortable hardclearing troci btw

maybe appel/PKR as well


i might be overestimating how targeted the bomb on alice was

ā€¦Is there a specific reason you would want to clear someone who defended a wolf?

my initial thought was ā€œthe nightkill on seth -> targeted bomb to Alice never comes from a wolfteam with 3 somewhat inexperienced playersā€

which prob only clears troci in that world im not gonna underestimate PKR/Appel

i still think that those specific nightactions are very unlikely to be orchestrated by troci though

i havenā€™t read enough to know you/pkr are hard defending a wolf

the defense could be villager AI depending on how it was done though wolves are usually pretty awkward when they defend their teammates and pretty frequently donā€™t go out of their way to harddefend them

also a lot of villagers defend wolves on this site in particular because this site has a lot of willagers

myself included

however i fully intend on taking as much control of this game as possible so the wolves fearkill me tonight just because itā€™d be gamer of me

wait i just realized cheese exploded in his first post LMAO

im back

@Appelsiini i am not convinced by your whysper v case but will at least hear you out

who are the wolves if not whysper

oh good timing i was just isoing you