Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

can i use pics to bypass bomb

Pretty sure you can’t.

@an_gorta_pratai has exploded!

A bomb was hidden in this post

They were…


You might be a typical college looking for loans to pay, but you have the drive to take out the scum that are trying to destroy the campus once more.
You win when all the Planters are either expelled or killed.

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well that makes things much easier
whysper is town

As for those two universes, either of them could be possible.

alice is screaming in the background but i promise i have a reason for saying this

derps and kat are both wolves and loosers

luxy and appel are v. towny slots, especially appel

I think I can trust you on that so far Vulgard and now that the bomb is gone, you can more easily explain too.

i wrote a book in my classcard but the gist of it is that whysper doesn’t make sense as a partner of esquiddy because esquiddy’s vote almost killed her d2
appel is town so i didn’t even consider that pairing
luxy is most likely town but even then luxy is never with whysper. pushed whysper for 2 days straight and then didn’t capitalize on it / actually get her killed

Just be aware that I believe this puts us at mylo now.

this is mylo indeed but i’m confident it’s just derps/kat
if it’s whysper then alice has permission to hire a hitman in my region and end my existence

Hmmm, makes sense to me.

whysper isn’t appel’s partner because appel is town
whysper isn’t luxy’s partner because of how luxy treated her slot
whysper isn’t esquiddy’s partner because of how esquiddy’s vote almost killed her d2 for no reason and no benefit to the wolves (what good does a bussing vote do for a slot that’s useless)

obviously whysper isn’t my partner because i’m town

that only leaves derps and i have an answer for that too

This is our answer!

a derps/whysper team is a team which has barely coordinated anything. neither of these two have done anything to help each other and survive. they have mostly just existed.

notably, derps’ progression on whysper is terrible. derps considers whysper towny initially, but later in the game, he votes her with no visible progression. even puts her on a team with marshal.

this makes no sense from a partner. it would be a completely random bus with no progression whatsoever. makes derps look bad if noticed, kills a wolf when one is already dead, really bad play overall.

barely interacts with whysper properly (actually, not at all), just dismissively calls her town, but opportunistically votes her when the time is right.

by comparison, whysper talks about derps a lot . in fact, it is quite disproportionate between them. derps minimizes his mentions of whysper and votes her when the opportunity arises. whysper constantly mentions derps when few other people are, and develops her read on him.

i don’t think this makes sense as a back and forth between partners. i would sooner say that they are not same alignment. derps treating his partner whysper with opportunism and dismissiveness while whysper goes out of her way to talk about said partner a lot… it doesn’t feel right at all. it’s like two completely different perspectives clashing. there isn’t even much effort from whysper to distance with derps by calling him scum or anything. it’s like derps doesn’t want to talk to whysper, but whysper really wants to talk to derps and about derps. this would be some really weird wolfteam dissonance if they were partners.

conclusion: interactions would be extremely odd if both are scum. their perspectives are like night and day, and they have not cooperated a single time throughout the game. derps gave whysper a free townread until there was an opportunity to vote her, then he did exactly that with no progression. whysper has been much more considerate regarding her analysis of derps, and she has been mentioning him a lot. it would be quite advanced wolf play to create two different perspectives like this. i find this pairing rather unlikely for those reasons.

basically i think whysper is town not because she suddenly became towny for me overnight but because i don’t see how she could be the partner of anyone still alive

there is a slim chance of whysper/derps still being a thing (i wrote the most about that one, but it’s still the weakest)

but even so, i am not convinced right now

That’s very interesting. You could be right about that.

by process of elimination this just leaves derps/kat

i have some stuff about derps/esquiddy and derps/kat too