Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

I would like to hear other perspectives too before I vote though.

i mean yeah absolutely donā€™t vote yet
we need everyone to check in

thereā€™s a sinking feeling in my stomach because of you saying that
if luxy is a wolf then ieoajeakmeaeogkeag

you just seem to believe me way too easily here
i know you just replaced in but that makes your faith in me even less justified fmpov
why do you think iā€™m town?

iā€™m just gonna drop stuff here as we talk

derps / esquiddy


this one seems the most obvious by far. esquiddy has displayed no interest in solving the game at all, and avoided interacting with anyone but derps (due to knowing him irl prior to the gameā€™s beginning, i think.). posted only to hit the post requirement (which is kinda villagery to admit, but also wolfy on principle). derps covered for esquiddy by saying that esquiddy is just town, using irl knowledge of esquiddy to justify it. easy and neat way to justify your partnerā€™s poor play.

esquiddy has been largely invisible, and derps has not really pulled his typical dumbassery this game. he has mostly just existed and voted people without analysis. this is a team that is hoping to go under the radar, which isā€¦ well, not exactly inspiring for me. i generally believe that wolves try to do something . but they are still largely tied together, and while you could argue that derps ā€œwouldnā€™t tie himself to his partners,ā€ he has already bus voted eli and his read on esquiddy could be seen as villagery on the surface level (ā€œhelpful for the villageā€).

could derps be pocketing a near 0-posting villager? possibly. i canā€™t really deny it with 100% certainty.

conclusion: tied together. can both be wolves. unlikely to both be villagers unless we live in a difficult world to solve.

katze / derps

katze + esquiddy/derps

katā€™s treatment of derps upon replacing in honestly looks pretty good. not outside of them being w/w but makes me doubt them being w/w at the very least.

derps barely says anything to kat at all. iā€™m actually inclined to think that derps would say literally anything substantial about his newly-replaced-in partner at this point (if he is a wolf).

like kat said, derps would benefit from pocketing esquiddy.

conclusion: there is not much i can analyze here. the world is made slightly unlikely by katā€™s initial interactions, but far from impossible. these two just do not seem to be interested in solving each other at all. but derps has not been interested in solving anyone this game, just voting on already developed wagons, so that is that. i have no idea how he has managed to survive this long while playing like this, but w/e.

If I thought you were town, I would be willing to vote right now. Itā€™s because I donā€™t know whether or not youā€™re a wolf that I want to hear other perspectives before judging anything.

iā€™m either being targeted by advanced pocketing
or super flattered

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Alternate title for the thread:

The Gorax bombs in theaters


Right now, Iā€™m just trying to figure out what scenario is most likely.

i would like to mention that every single voter on eli (minus eli themselves) has flipped green except derps

i would argue that wolves are more likely to be present at eod when their buddy is being wagoned, even if just to cast a bus voteā€¦

unless it messes up their progression.

SirDerpsALot was being voted by Esquiddy at eod1.

this one looks like a potential distancing vote, ngl.
wouldnā€™t be surprised if derps outright asked esquiddy to vote like this. literally the only thing esquiddy did on day 1 was vote off-wagon. there is absolutely nothing else they did on that day. no interest in solving the game or even posting.

voted voters number of votes
Whysper Luxy, Alice, Esquiddy 3/7
Insanity Marshal, Appel, Gorta, Troch 4/7
Trochilidae Surge, Derps 2/7

i would like to point out that if whysper is scumā€¦ who is whysperā€™s partner

itā€™s either exactly derps or appel (and appel is blatant town by the way)
no matter how you slice it, derps is the wolfiest person alive

if esquiddy and derps are together they split votes because they donā€™t care

Might be safest to yeet Derps today then. Right now, Iā€™m slightly leaning you town right now Vulgard. I hope Iā€™m not wrong.

Accused Voted by Votes
Marshal Whysper, Derps, Vulgard, Katze, Marshal 5/5
Not voting Gorta, Luxy, Troc, Appel 4

easiest votes to cast, ever. as a wolf, you could justify both novoting and voting on that wagon. v wagon, stayed up for the majority of the day. whysper being the first voter is quite bold for a wolf there.

note that whysper is a majorly suspected slot. for her to lead a wagon on another villager is like signing her death warrant if sheā€™s a wolf.

i might be exaggerating this, because who cares about voting order on a wagon which was pretty much always goign to happenā€¦ but psychologically, i donā€™t think wolf whysper just starts a wagon like that. i donā€™t think they have enough boldness / experience to go ā€œtoday, i will misyeet marshalā€ and throw the first stone.

not a huge clearing thing for whysper, but these small things add up over time.

Thatā€™s true. They do.

i wrote the thing below before the nightkill but it still generally applies

why derps/katze are the team

derps/katze are a team, because derps has not done a single towny thing this game and his overall play looks like a poor replication of his typical village dumbassery. why is katze with him? mostly because of derpsā€™ treatment of esquiddy. the way he randomly cleared esquiddy without bothering to discuss or solve the slot after that comes across as derps trying to make sure a low-presence partner doesnā€™t randomly die.

i am considering the possibility of derps/esquiddy being an example of w/v pocketing, but at the same time, there arenā€™t many other people i can pair derps with (while still considering him independently wolfy). trochi, luxy, and appel are all town in my world. i know i am town, gorta and whysper have this weird perspective dissonance with derps which doesnā€™t feel w/w, leaving only the esquiddy slot to be a wolf alongside him.

i could go over my other pieces of analysis i wrote overnight but many of them involve gorta (who flipped v) and trochi (who also flipped v).


for the better or worse i considered both independently towny so good job guys

pre-nightkill and pre-bomb individual reads by vulgard-kun

i honestly just donā€™t see trochi being scum basically ever this game and the same goes for appel
appel struck me as incredibly village at the very start of her iso
incredibly village
shining beacon of towniness level of village
yeah no she is not scum.
trochi isnā€™t scum either.

gorta isnā€™t even individually scummy (or at least, in my analysis thus far, he has not stuck out as such), i can just envision him being on a team with whysper, because their play together makes sense if they are partners. that said, we probably shouldnā€™t just condemn the other if one of them flips W.

katze is goddamn katze. i never understand katzeā€™s thought process, or whatever the hell they are doing. there are some mildly clearing things for esquiddy regarding certain w/w pairings (for example, i think they are unlikely to be with whysper), but other than that, there really isnā€™t much to use.

kat hasnā€™t had meaningful interactions with most people, either. hell, iā€™d even argue that katā€™s interactions with me are potentially w/w, even though iā€™m not a wolf. thatā€™s how katze interacts with people. they never seem to say anything clearing for either person. itā€™s like they are naturally in antispew.

this paragraph ultimately amounts to ā€œi have no idea what to say about kat, but at least they are not the wolfiest player alive and does not fit on many teams.ā€ the only team i could potentially construe with esquiddyā€™s slot in it is a team with exactly derps. there is theoretical potential for gorta and whysper, but for reasons stated above, i donā€™t quite see it. it would require two wolves to have diametrically opposed perspectives presented in thread and to pretty much never do anything together. which honestly isnā€™t clearing at all, but itā€™s something .

vulgard's random threadread bullshit, shoutout to geyde i suppose

a team of esquiddy/derps/eli would also make sense, because of how the wagons have just been happening . it doesnā€™t feel like wolves really tried to shift anything at any point. we are not in a world with deepwolves or powerwolves, iā€™m quite confident about that. tons of wagons rise and fall with no wolf intervention. eli hasnā€™t cast a single vote on day 1, which is a mediocre meme and also an example of interesting wolf play.

iā€™m not scumreading the most productive players not only because they are productive, but because they have been villagery. thatā€™s essentially it.

as an addendum to that

90% pure wagon on a wolf day 1

  • selfvote
  • derps

in a world with powerwolves
both other wolves join that wagon or the wagon doesnā€™t just happen so easily

this game literally just relies on katzeā€™s alignment fmpov because i think derps is always w
whysper can be with derps
it would be really weird but itā€™s not impossible
i just think kat is the more likely partner rn