Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

luxy is also very unlikely to be with whysper and if he can’t be with whysper then he’d have to be with derps
i’ll have to check if i analyzed that pairing overnight because i don’t remember

i didn’t
that’ll be my next objective, then

i thought you were typing a wallpost and then refreshed to see like 6 posts

thank you forums very cool

remind me to answer this after ive slept, because iirc there was something i had against this

other than the fact i’m not sure how comfortable i am locking you/appel/luxfia as town

i think it’s a combination of a few things, a few being OOG reasons

i don’t think i’ve ever been alive in a XyLo where i’ve had such unconfident reads on literally everybody
combining that with the fact that yesterday i was the loudest voice in a misyeet that i was very confident in being a hit so i’m a bit concerned that i’m going to be the designated ML

and as i’ve said before i do not want that

this probably sounds like AtE and i despise AtE

because that means i’d have subbed into a town slot, strongarmed a ML onto a strong player, and then gotten MLed at LyLo

and like, i don’t think im a god villager but jesus fuck that’d be a massive blow to my ego

and i think the thought of that is blowing my ego

i think if i put more time aside and actually tried solving this on my own i’d be less paranoid

but usually at this state of the game i have at least a few confident reads :upside_down_face:

you can develop them right now i think
you have the entire game to work with
you have an advantage over the villagers who died, there is more content to analyze
being in lylo is good in some ways

i want to see what you come up with once i give you the benefit of the doubt, which is what i’m doing right now
i don’t want to kill you today or tomorrow anyway so i’m free to do this without risking anything

that requires time and effort

like i said after i sleep ill probably be better


at least i won’t wake up to someone exploding

that’s fine
just do it :tm:
we have time

oh and by the way

everyone else should unvote so we don’t randomly lose

im glad this game is 48/24 as opposed to 36/12

the extra time is very useful when you are katze:tm:

i think we have derps voting and if he’s villa he’s just throwing by voting
if derps hasn’t unvoted by eod i’m voting him because i’m not gonna lose to a random player randomly voting
this is assuming he is indeed still voting



i think derps unvoted when i yelled at him to

i hope he did
there are several embarrassing ways to lose but people randomly voting in mylo has to be one of the worst and easiest to avoid

just don’t vote 4head

last vc

whysper what in tarnation are you doing
unvote as soon as you see this i beg you
if you don’t have internet for the next 2 days then ah

i mean you’re voting the correct target (probably) but even so you shouldn’t be voting

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I’m on mobile and just catching up. Okay I’ll trust you and unvote for now.

/unvote @DatBird @Chloe

thank you
it’s not about trust, it’s about not misyeeting someone by accident because a random vote is still cast at end of day

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Haha BTW your “what in tarnation” made me think we were back in Wild West. :smile:

You can’t possibly be serious here. You’re too smart to actually think that.

snap crackle pop

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