Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!


am i


who are the two wolf pardners
tis my question for yā€™all

(for the record i was being serious)

do you have any words to change my mind

and why because anyone can say who

Iā€™m still thinking Derps/Kat-Esq is most likely. Though I could see the possibility of Derps with someone else. Like I suppose Derps/Leaf-Lux is next most likely.

okay, thatā€™s cool, but why?

I explained my reasoning on Derps/Kat-Esq is a post earlier today. As for Leaf-Lux, itā€™s more just a thought about how Lux was going after me hard really early with exaggerated claims. But I tend to think heā€™s just aggressive like that and just didnā€™t like me, so could still be town.

oh yeah i was supposed to analyze the possibility of luxy/derps
be right back

I canā€™t quote on mobile, but hereā€™s a link to my post.

derps initially shades luxy, then townreads him
luxy openly flaunts the fact heā€™s not gonna read derps

thereā€¦ really isnā€™t much to go on here
they barely talk to each other at all
nothing that makes them 100% not partners

theyā€™ve largely ignored each other the whole time they were alive

Just because I changed my mind you suddenly think Iā€™m in my wolf range? Opinions on people can change when new info is brought to light you know. Especially when I only have what has gone on today and the first 300 posts that Iā€™ve read to go by. If you seriously think Iā€™m wolf just because I changed my mind about you, youā€™ve just lost all my respect. Itā€™s literally too dumb to come from a wolf especially right now at least so youā€™re literally being TWTBAW right now.

why is me scumreading you too dumb to come from a wolf

Because itā€™s for literally the worst reason Iā€™ve ever seen. No one wolf reads someone just because that someone changed their mind unless they were already wolf reading them.

and what if i was already wolfreading you :flushed:

BTW is it better to actually vote noelim? If guess Iā€™m worried that the wolves can just vote for someone at EoD. I likely wonā€™t be online at the very end.

Them ignoring each other would be somewhat wolfish though, right?

Then it makes sense. Vulgard, do you think w!Katze would suddenly start scumreading someone at this ppl point in the game if they started townreading her? Iā€™m genuinely curious. Also, what was her read on Luxy?



Another reason I donā€™t really think it was Luxy though was because he started to call Marshal wolf suddenly. I would think he wouldnā€™t switch like that if heā€™s wolf and knows Marshal flips V