Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

Esq voted for Derps right away and called him scum. This was the first read she claimed she had. I questioned her about that early vote also. So really that question back to me kind of goes along with the stance she was taking.

itā€™s a team with derps on it

that was my argument against the kill being randed

not against derps saying haha kill go brrr

Anyway, I need to go to bed. Almost 2 AM. Iā€™ll check this in the morning.

alright quickyeet her while shes asleep OwO

Iā€™m here
Why the fuck is Vul alive
I was planning to hyperpost and have a one-on-one thread presence battle with Kat to prevent them from having full thread control

do it anyway

I will

we can larp as blue hedgehog and not blue hedgehog

i call dibs on blue

if i was just going to vote whoeverā€™s done the least for town i would begrudgingly vote whysper

we can still blame mole guys itā€™s okay if we lose


i mean youā€™re right but lmao

appel is writing a bookpost

im gonna refute it before she submits it by saying two words:

ā€œim townā€

Big bleh

This is interesting but, you were here during EoD. Why did you bring this up now?

Leafia is a baffling kill butā€¦ I donā€™t want to give up on my metaread because I honestly donā€™t think Vul has suddenly improved that much as a wolf. I stand by what I said yesterday.

Given as I was pushing Kat and Leafia was sheeping Vul, Iā€™m quite sure Vul couldā€™ve just voted Kat with me as Derps and Whysper alone wouldnā€™t be able to voteā€¦ well, Derps.

Vul if I blow up in this post I want you to kill Kat. This is my last wish

Define ā€œthis.ā€ The nightkill?

This is possible tbf

Assuming one of us is a wolf, why couldnā€™t we have just killed the other one and avoided suspicion? Itā€™s 3v1. Your logic is incorrect

Why you specifically? Most of our argument was around Kat.

Actually, this is another reason why I refuse to suspect Vul here. Leafia was absolutely and completely sheeping Vul, so it would make the least sense from his PoV to kill Leafiaā€¦ but then again, who would in their right mind kill them in the first place is the question

This is unrelated but I feel like joycats describe this nightkill perfectly

Screw you, Iā€™m pulling an allnighter

Why would it make the most sense for me?

Bold of you to assume Iā€™m not confused as hell

Leafia has zero thread presence. Trust me Whysper, thereā€™s no way anyone couldā€™ve seen them as a threat. All I remember from them is OMGUS and :sheep:

Is this or is this not Kat trying to shade on Vul
Kat I will fight you, come at me


I have no idea, I havenā€™t gathered my thoughts yet because I had a vision about how this MyLo was going to play out. And that vision has just been thrown out of the window for lolz

Did you forget Leafia absolutely sheeped your reads
Did you forget Whysper has thrown suspicion on me since yesterday

Vulgard w h a t

This kind of hurts my ego, ngl
How low are your expectations of me

Given that I have been arguing about why youā€™re a wolf, why couldnā€™t it be Whysper? Iā€™ve made my read fairly clear.

I sure have been popular these past 30 minutes~
I was the one who got us to even cuddle anyone. Assuming I am a wolf, why wouldnā€™t I have just went for a nocuddle -> killed you -> Leafia sheeps your read and trusts me -> victory
Youā€™ve played with me as a wolf, you should know Iā€™m not exactly a level 1 person

Was planning to fight Kat but Vul already did it for me in the very next post. Huge bleh.

Whatā€™s this?
This sounds familiar
As if Iā€™ve heard someone say that before

Oh wait, that was me.

This I am puzzled about though. Why?

Kat, why do you still have this certain mindset about the nightkill after concluding that it was to cause confusion


These exact reasons can be applied to me as well, by the way. Choose your logic

Aaaa Iā€™m tired, itā€™s 9:35PM

appel i have a question

are you reading my posts from a ā€œkat is a wolf and this is whyā€ viewpoint or an objective standpoint

because youā€™re getting super nitpicky about things

like are you reaching your conclusion before or after you read my posts

because i feel like itā€™s before

Iā€™m still fairly sure youā€™re a wolf

okay but me questioning vulgard being alive isnā€™t wolfy and youā€™re calling it wolfy


like itā€™s obvious you read my iso to prove i was a wolf not to figure out my alignment

which is kinda wolfy given itā€™s F4