Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

because you would know that i would push kat or whysper
i townshielded you all game
you wouldn’t kill my main suspect or your main suspect
leaving exactly one person

because kat knows i vote for openwolfers on principle after marshal and i don’t think they would run the risk of antagonizing me for no reason

It is wolfy because Vul’s actions make no sense from a wolf PoV, not to mention they’re literally obvtown

This is what I’m talking about when I say you’re hurting my ego

Anyway, good night. I’ll be back in 8 hours or so

you know
i feel like i’m back in discord chat spectating the semis
yelling at people to kill wisphemera because their slot has done the least meaningful analysis by far and just wanted to kill a specific person

whysper fits that profile here
alice wanted to kill whysper too

whysper is a much more viable partner of derps in place of esquiddy

i think only kat understand what i’ve just said

i wanted wisp dead too

and then kinda ignored eph cause i stopped following at that point

okay so

everyone in thread was being villagery and doing tons of analysis
ephemera’s analysis boiled down to “kill capage he scum”

right now
everyone in thread has been doing tons of analysis
whysper’s analysis boils down to “kill kat they scum”

and then in the mentor game i got to redcheck ephmera and they got to selfhammer again it was p gamer

anyway i cant tell if appel is a wolf focused on MLing me or if she’s just a tunneled villager

leaning the latter because i think shes towny regardless but


i honestly think tunneled villager
i think appel’s much more cautious and serious as a wolf
she’s written lots of posts i interpret as pure

i want to noyeet but appel/katze/whysper lylo is like

anti-katze and i dont like the idea of that

we might just be overthinking it
derps told her to kill leafia and keep pushing kat because kat is way more viable than me or appel

you get misyeeted in that lylo
i say we end the game today

why not kill me or appel instead?
fuck if i know it’s derps

ooooo vul tmi vul tmi kill him

im scared because every decision feels wrong

even the one that feels most obviously correct doesn’t feel right

oh no /vote vulgard

wolf wolf wolf!!

how about i just vote whysper and help you

how mean would it be to hammer whysper while whysper’s asleep


i mean you can vote whysper im prob just gonna vibe

a hammer on whysper means she loses the game regardless of alignment
we can be meanies, kat
m e a n i e s

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