Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

Actually your argument was focused on Kat, but Vul was focusing on me. And Derps was also trying to get me ML’d.

Yes, true. Leafia wasn’t a threat as far as moving the vote towards Kat. But she would have been inclined towards voting Kat. Possibly even snap voting.

Okay, this really confuses me. I’m pretty sure I wasn’t throwing suspicion on you yesterday. I was focused on Derps/Kat-Esq as the wolf team. Slightly considering Derps/Leaf-Lux.

Though today I’ve started to wonder about you some. But I’m still more confident in Kat being the wolf.

oh hi

i saw new posts and thought appel was awake but i’d like to talk to you too anyway

question: lets say we sleep today and i die overnight, the final 3 is yourself, appel, and vulgard – how do you approach the day, who do you think you’d vote, and why?

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the fact you’re only thinking about this one-dimensionally vaguely makes me think that you didn’t do the nightkill given the nightkill from your PoV only really makes sense as a gamer play

There is some sense for W!Appel to NK Leafia. But I think killing Vul would have been just as good. Even killing Kat would have thrown suspicion more on Vul than herself, though Vul would be around to defend and probably influence the others. So yes, Leafia would be a good kill for W!Appel, but I think Vul would have been just as good if not better.

Oh, now that would be very unexpected. Though I guess we are already in unexpected territory with the Leafia NK. Hmmm, between those 2, I would currently lean towards Appel as the wolf. But killing you would probably make more sense for Vul. I’m sure Vul could convince Appel to vote for me in that scenario. I’d need to take awhile to go through the recent interactions again to see if anything stood out.

I haven’t done a full ISO on Vul yet. I will see if I can get a chance later today. I’ve only been thinking through certain actions of his, like what happened EoD. I can’t help thinking that he could have just ended the game yesterday with a ML on either you or me if he was wolf. Appel was wanting to vote for you, so he could have just went with her.

i have quite a few thoughts on vulgard

i’ll probably share later but science dictates that i should wait

I think the likely 3 will be Appel, you, and me. Then it will be very difficult for me and I’m sure difficult for the other town.

after the leafia nightkill anything is possible, tbh

large factor on why i want to sleep instead of yeet

NK for tonight

W!Appel: best NK is probably Vul. If she kills Kat, she might expect Vul to vote me, but Vul might also start to suspect her since keeping Kat around would be better for me.

W!Kat: best NK is probably Appel. Vul is leaning towards me for vote. Appel seems to be leaning towards Kat.

W!Vul: best NK is probably Appel. Vul still seems more towny than either Kat or me.

W!Whys: best NK is probably Vul. Appel is somewhat undecided, but seems to be leaning towards Kat.

So I don’t really think there’s a chance that Kat or myself would be the NK.

Yes, I agree that we should do no yeet today.

You know, your constant questioning about Vul being town is starting to make me think you might not be wolf. If you are wolf, you are playing very well. I would have expected wolf you to just press against me.

i didnt think there was a chance for leafia to be the NK given i was p sure they were a wolf :joy_cat:

i kinda like how your night kill predictions/analysis are super face value because i feel like a W!Whysper who just killed Leafia over literally anyone else would probably have a more indepth thought process

although im not gonna use this read to decide my vote or anything in the event i have to because it’s very possible in a W!Whysper world you were just told to kill leafia by derps and didn’t really think about why so answering in a genuine but face-value answer wouldn’t be too hard

people consider me one of the best wolves on this website, some would say like top 3, although i think that’s a bit too generous

with that said if my goal right now was to towncase myself i’d probably mention how “constantly casing the person who is probably overall townread the most” is a point in my favor

but i don’t think that alone is outside my wolf range, although my actual thoughts on vulgard may be

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When you were questioning Vul’s towniness before the Derps flip, I could see it as just trying to cause confusion and keep the POE wide. But now that there’s only one wolf left, it seems weird to not just move closer to Vul’s reasoning that I’m the wolf. And Vul could convince Appel. So now this is seriously giving me pause.

Though where are you on Appel? Is she less likely than Vul to be wolf in your eyes?

as of right now id say appel is my top town but it’s not at the point where i’m never considering worlds where she’s a wolf

although the fact i’m heavily procrastinating on doing a thing that i wanted to do is annoying me but instead of using that as motivation to stop procrastinating i’m typing a message about my procrastination problem