i’m just gonna drop stuff here as we talk
derps / esquiddy
this one seems the most obvious by far. esquiddy has displayed no interest in solving the game at all, and avoided interacting with anyone but derps (due to knowing him irl prior to the game’s beginning, i think.). posted only to hit the post requirement (which is kinda villagery to admit, but also wolfy on principle). derps covered for esquiddy by saying that esquiddy is just town, using irl knowledge of esquiddy to justify it. easy and neat way to justify your partner’s poor play.
esquiddy has been largely invisible, and derps has not really pulled his typical dumbassery this game. he has mostly just existed and voted people without analysis. this is a team that is hoping to go under the radar, which is… well, not exactly inspiring for me. i generally believe that wolves try to do something . but they are still largely tied together, and while you could argue that derps “wouldn’t tie himself to his partners,” he has already bus voted eli and his read on esquiddy could be seen as villagery on the surface level (“helpful for the village”).
could derps be pocketing a near 0-posting villager? possibly. i can’t really deny it with 100% certainty.
conclusion: tied together. can both be wolves. unlikely to both be villagers unless we live in a difficult world to solve.
katze / derps
katze + esquiddy/derps
kat’s treatment of derps upon replacing in honestly looks pretty good. not outside of them being w/w but makes me doubt them being w/w at the very least.
derps barely says anything to kat at all. i’m actually inclined to think that derps would say literally anything substantial about his newly-replaced-in partner at this point (if he is a wolf).
like kat said, derps would benefit from pocketing esquiddy.
conclusion: there is not much i can analyze here. the world is made slightly unlikely by kat’s initial interactions, but far from impossible. these two just do not seem to be interested in solving each other at all. but derps has not been interested in solving anyone this game, just voting on already developed wagons, so that is that. i have no idea how he has managed to survive this long while playing like this, but w/e.