Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

I mean

I don’t really know what to do as town either

I’m not in lylo very often

And I’m lazy

are you confused

When aren’t I confused katze

boom bye scum



im supposed to be serious why am i memeing again

I don’t know the joke because I didn’t read that game

go away you bring out the wurst of me


Wurst hacked client

Best MC hacked client bro

im hungry and i dont know how to read you

and i dont want to have to read you

regret is a good word to describe my existence here

did marshal read you i forget

i might just sheep his read

Uh idk

Marshal says he can’t read me either


if i ignore the fact he still sucks at reading me he seems to think you have wolf equity


I’m pretty sure he said he can’t read me during this game
And many others

Anyways breaks over gotta blast
