Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

Like… I could understand maybe you thinking “It’s whys or appel hmmm” but I don’t understand why you lock towned appel.

Pretty sure it was way larger than that. Like at least 4 votes.

Vote me town MVP :^)





so I know FM is hard

but I think this is the single biggest thing making it clear who the wolves were

if Whysper is a wolf here, they can just come back at the last second and vote kat with Derps and wrongvillager!Appel, and scum just wins because Leafia is AFK

(the same applies to Vul but Vul was consensus V)

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im sorry marshal i tried

i 100% bullshit some of my case on you but i thought i was right so i didnt care

bruh you had TMI


i don’t really have a good explanatin for my townread on appel i’m sorry

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also kat constantly living as clearest villager alive is giga weird same thing with me living in ww

appel not kat


you are
kinda a selfish villager

but i feel like you just do shit for your own entertainment a lot, which is really unhelpful
you spent a lot of time messing with vul’s head and making him frustrated when you could
be doing that

this sounds really rude but i cant think of a word other than selfish, aaa

but kat it wasn’t lylo it was mylo

I do stuff for fun sometimes

Wait, was this orange’s post in marblympics team game?

i am

but i was messing with vul so i could be 100% on him

because if i were to not sleep at MyLo i need a100% villager to act as my “clear”


but yeah

i don’t think i ever actually reread D4


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I guess you did what I did with my read post and just skim the first 20 or so, decide it was towny enough and move on.

Village can’t win party


also idk if it pinged it for ya Katze when it got publicized, but the sonic adventure 2 post had me dying, i pinged ya in soec chat for it

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Wtf I was not expecting to wake up with a loss

It’s final 4 in mountainous

W/e, I have a lot to say but I’m not going to say it right now

I’m going to try to make this postgame as constructive as possible if I engage at all

Gg both sides


All of you suck