Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

Imagine caring what people think

i don’t but also do

i can blame myself because i’m susceptible to getting pocketed by appel
happened twice

it’d be fun to blame vul but he played his heart out

it was evident when i forced him to do so

honestly feel really bad for whysper

even though she also played her heart out we kinda didnt care



not sure if you saw this @vulgard but i think it’s important for us both

by being me right now tbh

clearly we should have isoed signup threads


well yeah i know i’m bad at reading people’s motivations
why do i play fm


you were able to see me as town and that was probably harder than finding appel as a wolf

unless it was all on esquiddy iso then i feel scammed because i tried my damn hardest to be obvious V

we both suck

but its okay

sucking is step 1 to not sucking

i miss the best/worst quotes thread

imagine not being able to post in it

ily kat except when we play mafia together


but we were town


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except replace mafia with ‘anything’


You were close to breaking the mental block you guts had you just… Always backed away.

Cries in endgame


why do i always do that

Vul you replaced into a widely suspected slot, obvtowned yourself, and dunked on a miscleared wolf

yes, you were wrong on Appel, but that doesn’t negate everything else you did

Finally the torture is over. HOW DID YOU NOT SEE THAT APPEL LITERALLY OPENWOLVED EoD4!?! If I hadn’t been the night kill, she would’ve easily been the one lynched. Appel hard defended Derps EoD4 and I was literally the only one who noticed out of the living players. It was so obvious that either me or Appel had to be the wolf since scum would’ve won D4 otherwise because the wolf would’ve voted Katze instead of Derps. There’s no way that Derps tries to do a CFD onto his teammate EoD4. You were literally not even thinking D5 Katze and Vulgard and not even looking at what happened EoD4 or you would’ve realized Appel was the last wolf. I realized that it was likely that was the case during the night.

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