Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year - Informed spec

how do you make reads right now

also has anyone linked you Basic Readmaking Advice Posts because those are a thing and can be helpful at a basic level

my basic advice is to just put effort into your reads
analyze wolf & town game posts and compare
i’m a very firm believer in wills & ways and it has yet to fail me

I think you should re-evaluate more. Like in RM4 the links between Wazza/I were kind of obvious and Wazza was fairly wolfy while I took a backseat and clearly wasn’t townleading. You almost had us but then you basically conceded to go with the typical PoE despite that it’s just been killing villagers every time.

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if people tried then town would have a way higher winrate
even people like arete and alice aren’t hard to read

no one has no that would be helpful
i…don’t really know i just try and analyze why someone would do the things they do?

yes the game where i isoed kat in a signup thread

khloe why u hating korean bbq?


that’s a really good start

with the disclaimer that this is a starting point not an ending point and that it’s easy to overrely on tells like this:

this is a good article on some basic common scumtells

this is a really good article on townplay, with a focus on identifying other villagers when you are a villager

this is not at all what you asked for but it’s a good article on scumplay.

to connect the third one to your original point, article 3 is basically ‘how to catch Arete when they are a wolf, because Arete is actually super easy to identify as a member of the informed minority if you just don’t locktown them for making posts that sound good’

may or may not be hella high rn but thank you this helps i will reread them all like 5 times

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arete is really easy to read if you understand their motives well enough because of how confident they are in the idea that pushing as many MLs as possible > getting towncored but then they get towncored anyways

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the scum win condition is not ‘be a consensus villager’!

how to put wolves into a box


each of these joycats represents one villager

by clearing a critical mass of villagers you can create an accurate PoE, and thereby box the wolves in

no you made my meme make sense
how dare you

Surge in dead chat, idk man but its making me laugh

the scum win condition is to not have all your teammates die
which is rather difficult when none of your teammates focus on not dying

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yeah it is, as if im good villager they dont lynch me

bold of you to assume that town never elims consensus villagers

/shoot jane

i have been mislynched like once, and the man behind the wheel was geyde

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