Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year - Informed spec

theres dead chat, but most are here anyway from it

No, but If you quote from another thread they can see you typing

i am from the dead yes
and for me i had just ā€œfoundā€ more scummy people to focus on besides her

Even if the thread is locked?

you can ping people and quote posts in here and they wont be notified


however we are kind of trying to move away from quoting as dead / spec because it shows a notification that you are typing and alive players can see that, so we usually use the link feature to show main thread posts instead

not until its publicized after the game, but dont quote as they can see you doing it mid game, just grab the link from the post



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Did I do this right?

yah ya did it right

Wait a minute, theyā€™re gonna miscuddle Whysper, not Katze.

whysper has to die though
katā€™s going to force a nolynch and if they donā€™t kill whysper then theyā€™re making a very, very big mistake
and if whysper or leafia manage to fuck something up they probably get laughed at for the next two weeks

Iā€™d say that killing Vulgard would be a better idea, but again, havenā€™t played FM, so :man_shrugging:

i am beyond glad iā€™m dead i know iā€™d fuck this up

nah they wonā€™t recognize that Whysper is clear I bet

after vulgard dies

I didnā€™t realize you meant via cuddle

Please make this game a townwin, though I know it ainā€™t happening.

via nightkill

Do you think theyā€™re gonna nocuddle tomorrow @Italy ?