Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year - Informed spec

i personally thought they were vaguely mediocre absolutely god tier


@discobot fortune

Will I be good at FM?

:crystal_ball: Most likely

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You can do that in the ā€œgreetingsā€ PM you got when you joined, otherwise prob not.

@discobot fortune

Will I rand wolf the next game I play?

:crystal_ball: Outlook good

Guess Iā€™m just always wolf. Iā€™ve had a lot of wolf rands recently.

How do you add attachments?

my one wolf rand
my one
i got mechfucked
i still think about that

@DatBird, explain this

In my last game (and my last wolf rand) I was pretty much caught mechanically. Mech narrowed the PoE down a lot.

Thats a private message
We arent in it

Thatā€™s why I prefer low power games or closed setups.

what if you wanted to play wolf
but whysper said /follow Paradox

I donā€™t get it


i alted on FoL30 as Paradox, i was the N1 convert and Whysper was the Observer that caught MM ATNo visiting me

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oof that must be frustrating

@Chloe Can you explain?

i was to happy to finally have a wolf game
i wanna rand starting scum sometime soon but i know iā€™ll probably get caught early and stop being so easily townread as a result

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