Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year - Informed spec

i randed scum this game, and the 2 games before that
currently i’ve been scum more than town (2 town games)
here’s to hoping this streak doesn’t continue because i am bad at wolf

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randing scum is nice for a change but I want to rand town most of the time

the very first FM game I was in I was scum. It was hard and I was pretty clueless.

I once randed scum 4 games in a row on MU. I figured out the odds of randing scum that much and they were less than 1 in 1000.

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well in my next game im probably going to rand town
that’s a good sign


and in every game after that

and then i rand scum 6 times in a row

i don’t think i’ve ever played with town eli tbh
watch me say this and nonstop rand scum

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I didn’t type that. Is this something that @DatBird or @Chloe did to me?

you joined on 63, right?

triple threat? no i just spec’d it

what was ur first game

Wild West sadly
i’ve played three so far, Wild West, FoL30, and WYM


ah yes the classic
alt on ur 2nd game

I specced Purgatory and someone told me town doesn’t usually do this badly here

I’m now convinced town usually does this badly here.

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i figured nobody would think it was me lmao
also i wanted to see if i got taken more seriously and i got taken too seriously and was converted

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i’m sad i missed that i really wanted to make the gamer Trochilight hydra

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In my almost 2 years of playing FM I’ve only played 1 game on an alt and it was a turbo. On PerC there’s just no such thing as alts and that’s where I’ve played the vast majority of my games.

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every time somebody says me
i always think of
"I don’t doubt that somebody put rookie axes in squid kid’s system


banana i’m testing something

…although i kinda failed the first i was hella obvious
fight me i’d be an amazing hydra tho