Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year - Informed spec

Im kind of bad with rules, its one bomb per day, if the old one doesnt go off they can change the word or like keep it the same


i thought mutliple words could have bombs on them at a time if it didn’t go off yet

i was misunderstanding it from last time, it was a mistake that i thought i cleared up

Bounty bounty bounty

Seth popping off

I think this sums up seth pretty well

I’m right
Is wrong
Tries to justify it

why is trochi still rapping

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i think it’s called poetry


derps found the keys

hes startin’ up the bus
warming it up and turning on the radio

oh god oh ᚠᚢᚳᚴ

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and yes i’m just gonna replace one random word in all my posts with ᚱᚢᚾᛖᛋ from now on

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arete liked this and i have no clue if they understood it or just have a sixth sense that told them exactly what it meant

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they understood it



I’m not familiar with the cipher but it wasn’t hard to figure out given that I had a bunch of reference words

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i considered using this in airlock but realized nobody would understand me

Do you all think that the PR is gonna get yeeted?

wagonomics 100

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Dw, in case someone is gonna complain about vanity wagons, I’ll post this (except without the not voting and image part).

meh theyre gonna make the honor student claim aren’t they

I mean at least they’ll (hopefully) do that and take their shot