Hey guys I love this game and spent 200+hours on it, but feels that the Devs aren’t doing great with the updates or already abandoned it. So I’m just gonna post some suggestions before I go back try ToS Coven.
The main problem in the game IMO, is that evil is not fun to play, it sucks to be evil in this game, bd have such a huge majority that they don’t really care to exe someone suspected, talk about vfr everyday, and king has too much impact with his abilities, he already have his finger, and can even OE at night, the games that I see evil winning are usually with a well played EK, if the king is not evil, then it feels that bd usually win games in the current king/prince whisper meta…of course unless some of the bd threw the game oh purpose (e.g. butler poison the GK, prince YOLO execute someone just because he doesn’t like him)
It’s a social deduction game on the surface, but the fun factor is actually the psychological chemistry underneath, you trust a guy or not? is someone lying? But in Throne of Lies it’s mostly about class deduction and the super powerful skills that bd has. Most of the good guys are all upgraded ports from ToS which IMO made the game more clear but less fun, observer(lookout) can see visits, visitors, and can even peek and find out the exact faction of the target, without even a counter class to it, drunk can deb someone and not get killed in the process, live to tell the story next day, there’s no guessing on the logs, just some very clear infos from the abilities.
Convert games sucks. You can hit convert immune targets/get prevented for like 2~3nights in a row, you can get converted to a loss end game, you can fk urself up because you gave the prince some valuable information one day then get converted right away. The game is okay if you’re evil and got lucky e,g, Prince got killed by the poss night 1 and sheriffs never checked the assassin, but most of time it’s just really bad games. No converts, NK not doing shat, Assassin got role-blocked or found out…etc
My suggestions are:
-Make the fun classes like Fool or Scorned spawn every game.
-Make it so you can type in the death notes. I mean, being able to draw is a nice idea, but being not able to type is worse.
-Make the Unseen cannot convert anymore, but starts with 4 members. Cult now starts with 3 members but brainwash have a 2 days cooldown.
-Change Mastermind’s dirty work to a night ability, “if the assassin died or cannot attack, Mastermind would instead attack the target”, it’s just a useless skill ATM.
-Make OE no longer bypass death immunity.
-Make MM appear NS even after night 3.
-Remove Observer’s Peek ability.
-Make Court Wizard’s tornado have infinite charges.
-Remove Alchemist’s ability to heal. Alchs are too powerful in this game, I mean he’s not just a survivor, but can heal and can bomb. Just count how many heals Alchs are giving to the bd every game. Removing his ability to heal makes his role harder and more interesting to play.
-Revert the changes to mystic so she can talk to the dead. Make Possessor always spawn with at least one Mystic.
-Slightly reduce the day timer.
-Revert Mercenary’s goal to “your target must survive, you will commit suicide if your target dies”. Merc’s are just an extra bd or evil ATM which IMO is not interesting to play.
-Change Casual mode to “All Any” mode where things are all random, e.g. 5~10bd can spawn, 1~4 evil, others neuts.
That’s all I can think of ATM. I hope the Devs see this thread, I love ToL and it’s castle theme, and this game will go on the right track and more players will join us in the next Steam sale. “Fun” is the idea that the Devs should focus on, it’s just not fun to play evil in ToL.