Weekly monday discussion #2

Welcome to the Weekly Monday Discussion studio, this is your favorite forum eevee (mostly because there is only one of them).

Today with me is our special guest - DatBird. Dat, wave to the listeners. Or don’t. They don’t see you anyway.

Dat: Hi its Dat, waves. So what are we discussing today on Thursday?

eevee: We start with the results of our last anonymous weekly poll, which happened a month ago.

All results were anonymized using the best last-tech black box technology called paint.

Dat: It seems like Role Madness won by about a 60/40 split. Which to me surprised me knowing our community, as 90% of the setups we run are some form of bastardized trashcan of rolemadness

eevee: I guess even fish can get bored of water. Will it mean increase amount of standard games on our forum? Time will tell.
Dr. Bird, what do you think is most important question which we should make our next poll after?

Dat: Would people be interested in a Voice Chat games of mafia or both over Discord? Just expanding our horizons you know.

Would you be interested in joining and why:

  • No live games
  • Live mafia
  • Other games (jackbox ect)
  • Both? Both! Both is good.

0 voters

eevee: Thank for your assistance, Dr.Bird.
Unfortunately time for WMD today is nearly over, we are glad you were here with us. Please, stay tuned and join us for more discussion… next week?

outro music plays


I’m liking those tbh

be down for live maf

we’ve done jb on the unofficial server

pretty gamer

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With camera?
With voice only?

with vr chat

prefer voice only

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actual live if fun since ppl get waaay easier to read

either works for me i’ve shown face on forum b4

but some people probably wouldn’t wanna do camera

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some people probably wouldn’t wanna do voice either


but I think there’s a decent chunk of ppl who would do vc but not camera

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live forumer BotC when

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live maf would be cool

If we did video I’d wear giraffe_mask

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Guys I was on the show. How was I?




id play live if i could type


i already have a patent on jackbox with people from the forums

see? marshal agrees with me completely

I mean we don’t really play that often so i’d be happy to do forum-sanctioned ones

we should do it tonight


also to be clear this is a joke right? like the voting for rolemadness wouldnt lead to more standard games obviously. im like 90% sure this is a joke but i really dont know

this is an objectively correct statement