Weekly monday discussion #2

Guys I was on the show. How was I?




id play live if i could type


i already have a patent on jackbox with people from the forums

see? marshal agrees with me completely

I mean we don’t really play that often so i’d be happy to do forum-sanctioned ones

we should do it tonight


also to be clear this is a joke right? like the voting for rolemadness wouldnt lead to more standard games obviously. im like 90% sure this is a joke but i really dont know

this is an objectively correct statement

i think they meant “wow rolemadness only had 60% when litterally every single fucking game is a rolemadness”

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id be down tbh

I love this post


if jackbox happened tonight i might play a bit

prob not tho for Science™️ reasons

katze voice leak today?


if i dont fall asleep first

yo dm me on discord if you guys have room for jackbox

would love to join

go on Amis profile. There a server there

Okay the edits to “anonymize” the poll are solid

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Also you clearly stole this from Thorpe

update: jackbox good