Weekly Monday Discussion #4

the +AtE part means it’s almost always because you’ve given up or are trying to get townread for it

selfvoting itself can have niche merits

but selfvote + AtE does not really

i was scum mvp that game what are you talking about

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I am relatively sure they die again if we try them here with no actual change to what happens in-game

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By the way, I think there are other ways to discourage self-vote+AtE besides awards.


Could write more but just woke up so not going to atm

I might be able to quote past stuff but in terms of awards I don’t think it’ll actually have any impact on the stated problem

It does have the potential to generate extra salt tho

Times when self-voting is reasonable:

  • You are Mafia trying to self-hammer to cut off discussion
  • You are, like, the town counterwagon to someone who just revealed as an Innocent Child, and you don’t have time to CFD yes I have actually seen this
  • You have some sort of mechanical reason to need votes on a player, and self-voting will let you get there faster

Times when self-voting is poor play at best and toxic at worst:

  • You are any alignment, and want to guilt trip people into townreading you but don’t want to actually defend yourself
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awards won’t change selfvote + AtErs from selfvote and AtE-ing

they clearly aren’t going to be going for awards if they do that anyways

I think a general “best team player” might be nice

I don’t think it would help much but might encourage people to work with others more.

“town/scum MVP” probably not good for game

Funny how this has turned out :stuck_out_tongue:

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  • You are a sellsword-esque class
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We agree here.
I just dont think that its always terrible to use
And in a few rare cases can be good play
For example if you cant defend yourself on other ways, but you know you really should try to not get mislynched

I repented

I am now team “no”

I thought it was an obvious yes but after thinking I don’t think so any mre


But it only encourages the most ambitious. A lot of people won’t care.

LW, mafia, same shit smh

being executed in general as an evil neut who doesn’t need to be alive
is often good simply because it’s not scum being executed :^)

Even then

if one or two more people prioritize being better listeners over talkers

I think it has a positive effect

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I mean it’s ‘good play’ in the same sense that insulting other players to get them not to misexe you is ‘good play’

personally I don’t particularly want to promote either of those even if it were to be strategically optimal :upside_down_face:

One is against the rules. The other not.
On either case, lets stop talking about it, its obvious that we have almost the same opinion ily

At the end of the day I think people consistently overestimate the amount awards will do to change the behavior of the majority of the playerbase when in actuality it’s only the players who are already doing what you want that would be in a position to get them.

I don’t think anybody is going to seriously change their actions in-game in a massively positive way unless they’re specifically trying to get the award, and then if their reads were wrong or somebody else did better and they don’t get said award they’re going to feel like it was a lot of wasted effort, which means you’re likely to end up with the people you’d most want to change not really changing but introducing extra strife over people who thought they should have gotten it and the potential for people to play more to the “audience” than to the actual game.

I just don’t see it honestly addressing the issues it’s meant to.


now fr gn

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Also hot take

This is a great subject to bring up with the MU team/on MU in general I guess, they have a lot more Mafia-specific moderation experience than we do whilst having a ~similar environment on the whole