Weekly Monday Discussion #5 - Alts & Awards!

which I’ve seen people do

not effectively tbh

I would need somebody to actually come up with some benefit here that isn’t completely negated by the added influence of OGI and frustration to literally every other player

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in limited cases, yes

in a majority of cases, no

removing alts outright probably isn’t the way to go but the system is super flawed

i think the sites mentality around alts is awful (i have some names in mind but won’t shoot pings) and people should… stop being so hostile to alts in general?

i get you don’t like alts

i agree, i think most people who alt have done so in a shit way

but like, damn, some people actually want to change how they play or not be burdened by having obvious tells for a fucking game; you being an ass to them for no reason is making the game worse for literally everybody, especially yourself and the alt in question

however, if people aren’t capable of not being super blatantly themselves on an alt, what’s the point in alting?

i get if you try once, believing you can not be an obvious alt, and then you realize you are and don’t try again, this is ultimately fine imo even if people might disagree because it lets people try

don’t fully disagree here although i don’t think a gimmick account is inherently a bad thing, but a gimmick account who does nothing but stick to the gimmick is

when i was doing billnye i was trying to still convey my reads, realized i was too hard to understand, and toned it down

but i can understand why people would just hate gimmicks outright

  1. some people want to play with the people here
  2. some people are too scared to do this

but this isnt wrong tbf

frankly alt speculation needs to be more lenient though

obvious katze alt #3 shouldnt be untouchable because they aren’t literally named katze

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And since you can’t like police alts such that people must act in a way that isn’t themselves there’s just no point

Orange you and a few others play off site as well, some of which allow alts. Is this a this site alt problem, or is this a common alt problem across other sites. Do they handle the alt situation better, worse, or bout the same? Is there anything we can do to handle the alts better?

Play somewhere else or just stop doing the thing and people will figure out that’s no longer a tell

Having a new throwaway account under a different name for one game does nothing for you in this case.

I’ve actually reached out to ask a few other communities how this is normally handled

Because tbh I think the only other sites I’ve been on that allow alts at all are limited to exclusively anon games or things like anon hydras/teams in large for-fun games

im not fully disagreeing with you!

but that doesn’t justify being a piece of shit to people because they’re on an alt and you don’t like alts!


if your goal is to escape meta

You can either change yourself or change your environment

alting often accomplishes neither and even if in theory it sometimes could there are other ways to guarantee the same effect that aren’t a massive nuisance to every other player in the game

can you give an example of this

also that’d be fixed if alts weren’t a thing :thinking:

MU allows alts pretty freely

although MU also allows altspec, so

i’m intentionally trying to avoid naming people

but @Wazza in literally every game with alts ever

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This part is not actually possible, because we have some limitations, but I feel like asking it anyways to get deeper into people’s minds:

If alts were allowed for more than 1 game (secondary accounts), would this be more helpful to escaping meta, and/or letting people “start fresh?” Or is the issue elsewhere, such as the size of the community, etc

But you don’t run into the same issues there, at least in part because the community is literally two or three orders of magnitude larger

Also they don’t have nearly as many alts

might be a culture thing but

if it was this obviously a problem there I bet they’d change their policy too tbh

Alts seem pretty weird in comparison to real world situations. ‘Tells’ are a thing in Poker, and players don’t wear a mask or change clothes to appear like a new player or hide their identity.

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I repeat my question:

What benefits do alts actually provide?

It’s not escaping meta so what do they actually do