Weekly Monday Discussion #5 - Alts & Awards!

don’t allow public alt speculation because then i can’t allow it as a gag for a hypothetical third game in the "ToL"FM and ToS2399 series

side question: What does allowing public alt speculation actually fix?

The only thing I can think of is it takes what scraps of an argument were left for “escaping meta” and burns them to the ground

also I think that alts are cool for anon games and should be kept for that, but I have seen
literally zero purpose for them in other games


Oh yeah no anon games should 100% remain a thing

to be clear though, i think the rule should be “no alts unless the host’s design explicitly includes alts”

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I’d be fine with that

This is an option as well.

But alts being allowed by default is a strain on the moderation team, a strain on hosts, and a strain on the other players, to literally zero benefits in 99% of cases

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We should not let “but sometimes!” prevent us from making changes that will be beneficial in the large majority of cases when there are also better solutions to the perceived problems that are supposed to be helped

I’m just waiting for a day when a scum refers to an alt scum bud by their main…

_____ is terrible because _____. My experience is RUINED and it’s all @Nerbins’s fault! I can’t believe you’re doing _____ mods. What the fuck is wrong with you?


okay but actually geyde sell me on the benefits that outweigh the downsides here because I’m not seeing them


you could sign under an alt, announce that you are an alt immediately
and use it as a meta shield that prevents people from meta’ing you

this has happened several times

I hate the alt system
I hate the award system

you can salvage the alt system theoretically

I hate them both.

I would have biannual awards that recognize specific instances of quality play
maybe annual

I hate you :flushed:


but it doesn’t even do that

  • People can still meta you just not publicly
  • The proposed change kills even that
  • Announcing you’re an alt increases chances of the above because people know you’re an alt now and have incentive to look for your main
  • Not announcing you’re an alt is still obviously an alt in almost every case
  • You have meta on everyone else and that will affect your reads in a way that will affect the game
  • Our playerbase is small enough where even if this were true elsewhere it isn’t here

so like you aren’t shielded from shit

award system bad because it basically seems like a formality, and not like something anybody cares about