Weekly Monday Discussion #5 - Alts & Awards!

I’m switzerland on the award system.

Neutral but willing to hoard all the gold it gives me before it’s inevitable collapse


I’m telling you

I’ve seen people who actually wanted to escape meta

They made a new account on a new site and had a lot of fun playing without any preconceived notions of their play.

Alts are not that.

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that’s actually a con
because i’d agree with you

it’s like angleshooting at that point

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the main problem with the current award system is that NKs can win team player


Now is the current system holding back the design of annual rewards? Cause as it is now this is just pinpointing the best play of the game and recording it. Thus making the best play easier to categorize at the end of the year.

i mean

truth be told i didn’t appreciate your treatment of me in unineko and it was at least part of why i decided to not persevere and replace out


I do agree that yearly awards with nominations such as what MU does would be a lot better

solution: nuke nks

to be fair that was by no means just how he was treating alts, his entire approach was just unpleasant in every way

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How would you change the system to stop that? Add new awards, ban nks from winning? We like to hear your thoughts

I apologised and even said I felt like shit and you making it worse ain’t helping.

if you can’t talk about it in thread
and you can still use it

then you’ve fucked your system

Being a shield in thread is a huge problem precisely because it discourages talking through your case since it’s against the rules

I will note that two people feeling like shit is worse than nobody feeling like shit

i mean, i accept your apology

but i’m not going to pretend it never happened, especially since your attitude towards alts in general has been harshly negative literally forever

i don’t hold it against you because it’s an opinion you have but it’d still be vastly appreciated if you were more constructive/civil about said opinion

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i mean

i was mostly joking, but like

calling it a team player award is silly when most people clearly use it as an MVP vote

so either call it what it is or change the criteria for what counts and make that clear

The main problem is that @Arete thinks that team player means shit

There’s also the issue of new players are likely to be treated as alts.

Because alts fucking suck and I don’t give a shit about them